Journal Entry #5

How are you currently planning to serve your customer with your venture? Is there fit? If not, dive deep.

Currently we are just trying to come up with an event to effectively build relationships between students and either alums, or successful professionals within their respected field in order to help our students gain a new connection and potential job opportunities. So far, we have some ideas, but no event yet.

How might you apply this week’s learnings to your venture?

Not too sure, we are just pretty stuck in the ideation process of the event. I will use the new insight I got from Meg and Schantell on friday during office hours to hopefully make some good progress on our event this week.

Outside of school this week: I went to Lincoln city on the Oregon coast to see some friends and family! Good break from school, but ready to get back Monday and start working again.

3 thoughts on “Journal Entry #5

  1. Yeah ideation can he hard, it’s either ideas are flying out of your mouth or you brain is just blank, static. Been there. Its always great to give yourself a breather from school/work, maybe after your refreshing weekend some ideas will come up!

  2. I’m sure it’s also a challenge coming up with ideas with everything that’s going on as well when it comes to planning an event. It is good to get away for a bit and just relax, the Oregon coast is perfect for that! I also saw your comment on my page about being on Skye in Summer 2019 and I had to laugh because I was actually there in March of 2019, timing is weird sometimes.

  3. Ideations can be difficult, especially for planning an event. If you guys need help with connections, I’m open to give advice from what my team did for an event in the program! Also, the teaching team or other upper e-levels would be willing to help as well. I’m glad you had fun at Lincoln City, it’s very pretty there.

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