Journal Entry #6

What did you love this week?  

Specifically I really liked hearing Tim and Nicole talk about some valuable info. Nicole gave out a great sheet for networking which I will use in the future to look back on, and Tim gave a lot of good insight into the business side of things if any of us wanted to go through with a venture.

What resonated with you in workshops?

For me it was listening to Tara talk about radical responsibility. In college I started to hold myself responsible more for my school work and whatever came up in my daily life. Then originally hearing about radical responsible has made me want to be even more on top of my school work to succeed and I was just reminded by Tara about that when she talked.

How might you apply this week’s learnings to your venture?

I will apply some of my new networking knowledge gained from Nicole to hopefully get some local Bellingham businesses involved in our E3 event.

Outside of E&I?

Just got back from Oregon this week and had to get a lot of work done to get back into the swing of things. A friend from home who is now out of school came up to Bellingham this week to hangout which was a lot of fun, and now I am home for mothers day!

4 thoughts on “Journal Entry #6

  1. Hey John!
    It is great to hear how much help you got from our guest speakers. They were so insightful and true entrepreneurs. I also talked about radical responsibility in my traction journal and how in school it is so prevalent. As students we have to be aware of how are actions and work reflect to get what we need out of a class. I am glad that you had a good week outside if school, hanging out with your friend and spending time with your mother.

  2. Tara’s workshop was definitely helpful and a good reminder for sure. I’m glad you got a chance to get out of town for a bit and to spend time with your family!

  3. I also liked hearing about radical responsibility and Taras story as a whole. I am excited to see what you guys come up with for the event, partnering with a business would be so cool!

  4. I’m glad you enjoyed the workshops and got to see friends this week! It’s always good to have a balance between school and your social life with friends and family:)

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