Journal Entry #8

 What are you going to do to exceed the standards this quarter? Why does it matter to you?

Make sure our group does a good job organizing the evidence locker, we met all requirements and continue to add more, and we do a good job on our final pitch.

What jumps out to you in the rubric?

I worry that it is not up to date and we will potentially be marked down in some categories just because we did not know. For example we just learned at rehearsals that we can go over 5 minutes on the pitch, and it even says in the rubric that our pitch needs to be 5 minutes for the E3’s. As long as that does not give us any grading issues then that should be fine.

Between now and Final Pitches, what traction steps do you need to make?  Where could you use support?

Don’t need any support we are all set and know exactly what needs to be done this week.

Outside of E&I this week?

First off I would like to thank all the students who came out for our event! it was awesome to see everyone, and we really appreciate people showing up! Other than the E3 event this week I went to deception pass which was really cool!

2 thoughts on “Journal Entry #8

  1. I’m glad that the E3 event went well and seemed like it would have been a lot of fun! I just wasn’t in Bellingham so I wasn’t able to attend:( I understand that wanting to be sure the rubric is up to date with the requirements for this quarter, I would reach out to teaching team if you feel like something isn’t clear:)

  2. Had so much fun at the E3 event! Only complaint was it was not longer lol. Hope your final pitch goes well 🙂 also love the group pic!

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