Journal Entry #1

How are you preparing for success this quarter?

  • Making sure I stay on top of all my work, this class is not my main challenge, but keeping all my other classes in check while doing work in this class will be the main challenge. I just need to study a lot.

What do you expect for E-level  journey this quarter?

  • To hopefully come up with a great idea for my E4-E6 venture.

How might you apply this week’s learnings to your venture?

  • Not too sure, this is my 4th VP1. As much as I enjoyed it, I cannot say I really learned too much new information this past week.

What did you love this week?

  • Pitching in person was a lot of fun and this quarters VP1 prompt was cool.

What would you have loved to have achieved this week?

  • I would have liked to be a little more prepared for our pitch.

 Please share your personal experiences and the lessons you learned from completing VP1 this quarter?

  • That pitching in person is fun! I have only pitched online, so this was a great learning experience.

How may they help you have a successful and fulfilling VP2?

  • They? I am not too sure. I have my times scheduled with Art to help me with my VP2 which will be a lot of help.

How will you put that into action?

  • By going to my meetings and staying focused on my school work, no slacking off.

What challenges are you facing? What’s Next?

  • Coming up with an idea for VP2, I fear it will be hard to go all in on a venture with my current work load of 19 credits this quarter. Brainstorming is next.

Something outside of E&A that I did this week?

  • I just got back to Bellingham last week and it has been a lot of fun to see all my friends.

3 thoughts on “Journal Entry #1

  1. Very nice journal. It seems like you have everything planned out despite the 19 credits that you’re taking this quarter. Nitpicking but my only criticism is that maybe make your responses a little bit longer and more detailed next time (Maybe 1-2 sentences longer).

  2. I feel like a lot of people are trying their best to stay on top of classes. It feels nerve-racking returning from covid and having online classes. I had my first pitch ever for the costume contest and i agree it was fun working up to it and pitching hard-worked ideas in front of the class.

  3. I totally relate to trying to stay ontop of your work I have a bad history of letting stuff build up and then not having enough time to get it all done. I have gotten better at it this year but it is still a work in progress. I am only an E2 but I even have been worried about what I want my own venture project to be because its a big dessision I wish you luck with getting it together.

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