Journal Entry #4

Who have you reached out to for resources and support?

  • I happened to befriend the CEO/Owner of kombucha town when I was first getting my supplies, he gave me some free scoby for brewing, as well as his phone number to call him for interviews or tips. I called him the first time earlier this week on Wednesday and he offered me a part-time job at kombucha town, so I can learn to brew/ferment properly.

How are you doing with evidence and customer discovery? Need support? If so, who will you connect with?

  • Don’t need any support. I feel great, I have my work cut out for me I just need to keep working to deliver through on my overall plan.

What have you learned in the last week about coaching?

  • In class? Don’t think I learned anything regarding coaching. I feel that I have a good grip on the class material as an E4 now.

What might you apply to your relationships?

  • Within my venture? I will show that I am a hard worker and eager to learn/create.

How might you apply this week’s learnings to your venture?

  • The only thing I will apply is the Design Thinking model we briefly touched on at the end of class on Wednesday. I will design my pitch around it.

3 thoughts on “Journal Entry #4

  1. That’s so cool that you were able to befriend that CEO. That seems like a big connection to have that could be invaluable to you in the future. I’m excited to see where you’ll end up in the future, John!

  2. I’m glad that your VP2 is going well and that you don’t need any further support! I wish smooth sailing for your team for the rest of this quarter.

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