Journal Entry #7

 What are you going to do to exceed the standards this quarter?

  • I am going to focus on finishing strong. I think a lot of people feel this way and I certainty do, that you start the quarter strong and start to get overwhelmed as the quarter progresses and then you fall of track a little. That is why I think it is just real important to focus up the last month of each quarter.

Why does it matter to you?

  • Why does finishing strong matter to me? I care a lot about my work and I like to follow through with my commitments, weather its school or anything in life.

What jumps out to you in the VP2 rubric?

  • I guess not having to do a BIC is nice.

Where could you use support?

  • Not too sure where I could use support, If I ever have a question the teaching team is very helpful.

What did you learn in shift and share- what did you love, what would you have loved to see?

  • I did my presentation on stock trading which I enjoyed to do, and I also enjoyed hearing Lacoya’s presentation.

What did I do this week outside of E&I?

  • Not too much, was really busy with school work and kombucha town, got to go out Friday night with some friends which was a lot of fun.

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