Journal Entry #4

As you plan out success for this quarter, what does that mean to you personally? With your team?

  • Honestly not much at this time. I am almost done with my college career, and going into this quarter I do not feel overly stressed or feeling the need to plan for success. I feel that I have my plan for each quarter figured out by now.

Reflect on your experience at our field trip

  • I was not able to join the field trip this week because I tested positive for covid.

What have I done this week outside of E&I

  • not much, just stayed inside with covid and was able to get a lot of work done for school and my separate project.

3 thoughts on “Journal Entry #4

  1. Hey John,
    Sorry to hear you got covid, I hope you aren’t feeling too sick. It is nice to hear you’ve been able to take advantage of the time and complete lots of work. I liked reading your blog post, it’s really inspiring to hear that things are going smoothly for you this far into your college career. Hope you get better soon!

  2. Hi John,
    That’s good that you have been able to figure out how to prepare for each quarter without any extra stress. I’m sure you are super excited to almost be done! Glad you were able to make something good of getting sick by getting a lot of work done. Hope you are feeling better now.

  3. Hey John! Sorry to hear you got Covid! I hope you are doing well and quarantine is going smoothly! Glad you have been able to be productive, wishing you the best!

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