Journal Entry #7

Reflect on the the IDI workshop from Monday:

  • My results did not really surprise me, it made me feel reassured I guess. It also just made me feel good about myself, over I thought it was very beneficial.

Reflect on your experience at the E4 Shift N Share presentations:

  • I had never done mind mapping before that class, I am not sure about using it as a note taking form, but I found it interesting! I learn best visually for sure, always have been, it is easier for me to get hands on and look at things. I have a pretty strict time management method, I just keep everything in my notes and make sure I get done what I need to do every day. I have never felt imposter syndrome.

    Outside of E&I this week
  • This week was a lot of fun and also very busy, I went out with my girlfriend on Valentines day and then just a lot of work for my NFT project and school.

3 thoughts on “Journal Entry #7

  1. Hey John! That is amazing you have never felt imposter syndrome, please share?? It has been fun hearing about your NFT project, I am excited to see you pitch soon!

  2. Hey John,
    It’s awesome to hear that the IDI made you feel reassured and good about yourself, sadly I don’t know if I can fully relate after my experience with the IDI. I definitely agree with you about the mind mapping though, I don’t really know how effective it would be with not taking in class but it seems like it would be quite effective for more relaxed not taking. It’s also great to hear that you have a good time management method that has been working for you. Keep up the good work, you got this!

  3. Hi John!
    I agree, I really enjoyed using mind mapping for taking notes during the presentations but I am not sure if this form of note taking would work best for me in every class. That’s great that you have a good system figured out for time management and making sure you get everything done on time.

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