Journal Entry #2

This first week is going great, not too much to reflect on. Its my final quarter and I have done this same week many times before.

Hows it going with…

With my team it is going great! I am working with some awesome higher up E-levels and our two E1s are eager to learn, Its fun for me to get to teach some of this material that I feel I have mastered in a way.

With evidence based entrepreneurship, I would say its going okay. We are getting a lot of conflicting data. Some of it supports our idea, and some does not. It is a bit in the middle on how people stand with our solution to transportation accessibility in Bellingham.

With discovering a new accessibility opportunity, I think we have discovered a great opportunity. Our idea is to bring an electric scooter service to Bellingham that is free for WWU students. We believe this will serve a fun/accessible means to getting around campus/downtown for students. Especially ones that live on campus and may not have a car.

I do not think I need any support this quarter.

Outside of E&I this week, I went to Vancouver BC with my girlfriend over the weekend which was a lot of fun. I also ordered something called a “one wheel” back in December and it finally showed up today, so I am super excited to get outside and ride it around!

7 thoughts on “Journal Entry #2

  1. Hey John! I am glad your teaming is going great this quarter. It is always fun being a part of teams with eager E1’s. I really like your scooter idea. I think this could be something super fun for WWU students!

  2. Hey John!
    That’s great to hear that your project is going well and you got some eager E1s. I really enjoyed your guys’ pitch yesterday and thought the slides looked really nice. Hopefully, you’re able to have lots of fun and stay safe on that one wheel!

  3. Hey John,
    Honestly, it’s awesome that your team is getting conflicting data. If this were a real business venture, it wouldn’t actually be ideal, but having to get creative and find ways to work around problematic evidence is great practice for entrepreneurship, but also life. Haha, once the sun comes out, the one wheels follow close after.

  4. Hi John,

    It’s very relieving to hear about your comfortability with the venture project because it gives me something to look forward to.

  5. Hi John,
    Gosh, I bet getting the one wheel after such a long time was an awesome surprise. I loved the scooter idea a lot. Though I understand why you guys got the conflicting data, I prefer bikes haha. Vancouver sounds like it was fun! I haven’t been in a while.

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