Journal Entry #3

Reflecting on your pitch and wrapping up Venture Project One, how did it go?

  • VP1 overall went great for our group. We landed on an idea really quickly, which allowed us to get going on everything else that we needed within the google drive. Our team worked fantastically, we got honest evidence to support our claim, and we found a real opportunity to make transportation more accessible. We also won the pitch off! I am very happy with our project and how the team performed

What have you learned about yourself? From this learning, what will you carry forward into Venture Project Two?

  • Going into my final VP1 I was not expecting to learn too much new info. One thing that really stood out to me this quarter is my speaking and pitching ability. I was not a good public speaker at all when I started this program, but after doing this recent pitch, going back and watching the recording, I am very pleased with my ability to pitch and am excitied to see what I can do with that ability in the future. From this I will carry my confidence with pitching into my final VP2 pitch, and hopefully deliver an amazing pitch.

Outside of E&I this week.

  • I spent a lot of time this week working on the Pixies, which is my NFT project for VP2. We are making awesome progress, and this week we got our biggest partner yet which will really help us a lot. Other than that I had a fun weekend, and just had a good Easter brunch with my girlfriend.

5 thoughts on “Journal Entry #3

  1. Hey John,
    Glad to hear you are satisfied with the results of VP1. I did think your group had a really good idea and the pitch was very appealing! It’s cool to hear that you’re constantly working towards your main venture too, you certainly seem to have a good work ethic. Have a good Easter!

  2. Hi John,
    I’m glad you’re able to go back and see the growth you’re making in you pitching abilities. It’s such an important skill so spending time looking back and taking mental notes will continue helping you grow and develop that skill.

  3. Hey John!
    It is always good to hear about what you guys have been able to do with time pixies. How do you think you will continue this venture after graduation?

  4. Hi John,
    I am so happy the pixie project is going well, that is awesome. Congrats on the pitch-off!
    Brunch sounds nice, I love breakfast foods. Excited to see your final pitch this quarter… also hope to see some photos of the pixies as well?

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