Journal Entry #4

  1. What was the process you took creating your Plan of Action? 
  • I followed the same setup that I started as an E4. I keep my true north statement there that we did a long time ago. I create a timeline that is sectioned off into the 3 months, within each month I say what I want done that month. Then I include just a general summary for this quarter and what I plan to do.
  1. What is your plan for sticking to the Plan of Action and holding one another accountable through out the quarter? 
  • Sticking to my plan will be pretty easy. Regardless of this class I am already extremely motivated to create a successful business out of this venture. I have been sticking to a plan of action since November of 2021 and I don’t plan on stopping soon.
  1. How are you feeling about Venture Project Two? What areas do you feel good? What areas do you need more clarity?
  • I feel great, no need for clarity. This is my final quarter and I am excited to wrap it up and bring everything together.
  1. We went downtown this week! What sparked interest for you in the downtown tour?
  • Unfortunately I was not able to attend! Some of you may remember me saying this when I did the kombucha venture, but I have a rare stomach problem, and it takes months to get in and see a specialist doctor, so I had to skip the class for my doctor, sorry!

What did I do outside of E&I this week?

  • Lots of work on my venture project. We sold a lot more NFTs this week than we do on average which was awesome. We also just got a partnered website live that has a very large community, which gave our project a lot of attention.

4 thoughts on “Journal Entry #4

  1. Hey John!
    I like that you have your true north statement included in your POA. That’s so exciting that this is your last quarter, and it’s awesome to see how confident you feel. Having faith in yourself/ your abilities is seriously powerful. Excited to see what comes of this venture!

  2. Hey John,
    I really like that you include what you want to be done for every month. I really feel like including monthly goals is extremely helpful and a great way to also really stay on track. It’s also awesome to hear that your venture project is gaining a lot more traction!

  3. Hi John,

    Always interesting to hear how other people initiate their plan of actions. Would love to know how you define true north? Now that you are working by ‘yourself’ how do you hold yourself accountable?

  4. Hi John,
    That’s awesome about your venture. I am super excited to see what you are able to do this quarter. I bet it feels really good to be wrapping up the minor and working on a project that you feel passionate about!
    I’m glad you got to see your doctor!

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