Journal Entry #5

  1. How did the Jobs to be Done workshop go for you? Do you still have questions? How do you feel about the JTBD statement for your venture
  • No questions for me, I created a JTBD for my venture last quarter and modified it a little bit this quarter.
  1. What resonated with you from Ugly But Tasty? 
  • Not much, Its really hard to get feedback from the class on the NFT project. Mostly because NFTs are a pretty complicated subject, and not a lot of people really know much about NFTs in general, so it is hard to get valuable advice/feedback.
  1. How did “Got Your Back Consulting” go for you? How did you feel sharing ideas and feedback on others ventures?
  • For my own project, it was not very valuable, but I do enjoy doing this to give feedback to others. I try my best to give some valuable feedback to the people in my group, I find it fun to try and problem solve a bunch of different projects in class. Overall it went great.
  1. How is VP2 going as a whole? Are there any areas of confusion or need for support?
  • Going great! No confusion, this quarter is getting very chaotic, just need to finish strong.
  1. We launched Change Leadership this week! How was this experience for you? How are you doing heading into this project?
  • Doing great! I have an interview scheduled with Morgan this week for the project.

Outside of E&I this week?

  • I have been extremely busy with my school work this quarter, so I spent most of the week working and then working on my venture project. Adam and I talked with a lawyer and accountant this past week to figure everything out regarding the NFT project, so that we can operate legally and follow proper tax laws.

5 thoughts on “Journal Entry #5

  1. Hi John,

    I see the predicament that you’re in terms of receiving feedback due to the complexity of your project. How do you feel you can combat this issue with other resources?

  2. Hey John! How were you able to modify your JTBD this quarter? Any big changes? That is also good to hear you and Adam were able to talk to a lawyer and accountant this week for your project. Big things are coming! Keep it up John!

  3. Hey John,
    I love your journal entries. You’re always honest and straight to the point. Haha. Unfortunate that you weren’t able to receive a lot from Ugly but Tasty, BUT good that you felt you were able to provide insight to others! Where do you work currently?

  4. Hey John,
    It’s good that you are able to enjoy most of the processes we follow through this class even if you feel you are not really gaining anything. It’s cool to hear that your venture project is continuing to move forward and that you’ve even met with a lawyer and accountant. I can’t wait to see how your venture turns out by pitch day!

  5. Hey John, that’s awesome that you’re making such big steps with your project! I bet that is really exciting. I’m sorry it’s hard to get feedback on your project. I think it’s mostly because you seem to know what you’re doing. And you’re right, most people don’t really understand NFTs so it is hard to provide feedback for something you know very little about.

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