Journal Entry #7

This previous week went great. I was struggling a bit at the start with my change leadership project. Now I am feeling a lot better with it and starting to complete my objectives for the project. Our VP2 project is going great currently, we are just finishing up post prototype tasks and then working on our pitch! Other than that this past week went great.

Journal Entry #6

It still feels like we are just getting started this quarter, but now we are a little bit past half way done. So far this quarter I have learned a lot in our E&I class. It has helped me build the skill sets to become a better entrepreneur. Last week went great. My group and I started to make some real progress on our VP2 project and our data has helped us finally narrow down the core of our idea. I am excited this coming week to start my change leadership project and record my day to day thoughts.

Journal Entry #5

Another week has gone by and its going great! A week ago today my group and I were a little bit worried about what we were going to do for our VP2 project. We had a good idea but just did not know how to execute it and find our target market. After a few days of pivoting and strategizing we were able to really narrow down our target market and focus on what we needed to complete in order to succeed. Our group is now doing great and our project is operating smoothly. Looking forward to see what we learn this week in class!

Journal Entry #4

This past week went great for me, not only in our E&I class but as well as my other classes. I had two mid terms to study for that I am glad are over and could relax a little this weekend. It has been awesome being able to work with my VP2 group this week. We are currently working on our interviews and sending the survey out. Our idea seems pretty good, but based on survey data I think we may need to change it up a little bit this week. Other than that school is going very well and I am excited to see what we do this week in E&I!

Journal Entry #3

Week three went really well. I learned a lot in class getting to hear from Musa and than the E&I alums was really cool. Unfortunately our VP2 group member Ebon dropped the class, so I was not able to start planning the project since I was waiting for a new team. I just got my new team a few minutes ago and I am eager to start working and contribute my best to the team. We had our first POA’s due on the 8th, I thought it went really well and I enjoyed writing down what I plan to achieve in the course of VP2.

Journal Entry #2

So far doing good. After our first full week of school I am feeling pretty confident about this quarter and especially in E&I. Our pitch went really good I thought. VP1 was a great way to get my foot in the door, and get an understanding of how the class works. I am looking forward to see how I progress over the course of the minor. Hoping to get a lot better at public speaking, as well as improve my ability to think creatively and come up with some really cool ideas.

Journal Entry #1

Starting off this past week with everything online was a little bit weird, not too bad though I was able to get used to it fairly quick. So far with E&I I am really enjoying the class. I’ve learned more valuable lessons in the past two lectures than I have from any other business class I have taken so far at WWU. I am sure that will change in the near future when I start doing more major classes, but so far this class has been really helpful and I am excited to see what new knowledge I have coming out of the class. VP1 has been going really well so far. My group and I have been very diligent with our time and setting goals for what we need to achieve by the next day. I learned that having good communication is probably the most important part of these meetings with my group because it allows us to be more efficient with our time. Other than that we just need to practice our pitch tonight, I am looking forward to see how we do on Wednesday giving the pitch, I think we did a pretty good job.