Australia: Exchange: Post Program: Study Abroad Takeaways & Reflection by Danika Mogensen


Post Program: Study Abroad Takeaways & Post Program Reflection

What were some of your biggest takeaways from your international experience?

I feel as if I have grown so much more as a person. I feel fearless, not afraid to move across the world. I have found a new confidence in myself that I don’t think I could have received any other way. Putting myself out their and just saying “why not?!”

What advice would you pass along to other interested students considering studying abroad?

My advice would be save as much as you can. This was an experience of a lifetime and I hope others can create the opportunities I had.

Is there anything you would do or plan differently based on your experience?

The only thing I would change about my experience is budgeting myself better. It is hard for me to regret anything when I had such an amazing experience. I wouldn’t trade it and will hope to continue to use this for future growth. I’m going to be paying it off a little longer than intended, worth every penny.

Have you considered going abroad again or researching international internships and careers?

Yes, when overseas I was constantly looking for businesses I could work for in the future. Every time I went into the city I would look at the names on the big buildings to see if I could see myself working there.

How do you plan to “Pay it forward” to the greater local community?

Pay it forward is one of those things I try to accomplish daily. As a post study abroad student I hope to share my experience with others who want to study abroad as well.

In reflection of your experience before, during, and after your program, can you put into words what this experience has meant to you.

I would like to say I could put this experience into words but I don’t really know if I can. So far when friends and family ask me I manage to say “It was good”. Yes, it was way more then good. I just kind of lose my words in explaining it. This is why I kept to making Go Pro videos to documents my experience. If you would like, go check them out on the rest of my website.