The blur of the middle

By McKenzie Harris

November 3rd, 2023

^sundial painted on a building in Český Krumlov^

I’m now exactly two months into my study-abroad trip. Because I leave in around a month and a half, that means I’m over halfway done with my time in Prague. I was very surprised by this two-month anniversary; after the one-month mark, I’d apparently continued to think I’d been here for “one month” for several weeks after. The rest of this entry will explore how I’ve conceptualized time passing as a study abroad student.

^an old boat by a pond in Český Krumlov^

Sometime after the “I just got here” stage began “the middle,” an amorphous haze of time in which many things have happened, much time has passed, yet the impending “final stretch” still came like a jump scare. Weeks have passed in quick succession, eating up fall, and somehow my mindset has begun to shift to the question of what I will do with my last weekends. So what exactly happened in the blur of the middle? That question was on my mind when I started planning my mid-program blog post, and I decided it deserved a post of its own. Upon reflection, my feeling of empty time passing during October was an illusion caused by the combination of midterm season, health issues, and (paradoxically) my plans and trips. To elaborate:

  • During midterms, students spent a lot of time studying for classes, and less time was given to more memorable pursuits.
  • In the past two weeks, I injured my knee and got a cold, which has kept me apartment-bound. I haven’t been able to do as many adventurous and social things as I could earlier in the semester.
  • Lots of plans made time pass quickly. In addition, it created a mindset where the time in between these trips was allocated for rest and school. With this mindset, a week between trips would zoom by, because I didn’t do anything present-focused. I was just doing homework and chilling, anticipating the next thing.

Despite my surprise at time’s passing, I experienced a lot of fun things in October. Here are some highlights and updates from recently:

^Fisherman’s Bastion^

Budapest! I already wrote a post about this, so check it out if you want to hear more!


^sundial painted on a building in Český Krumlov^

I’m now exactly two months into my study-abroad trip. Because I leave in around a month and a half, that means I’m over halfway done with my time in Prague. I was very surprised by this two-month anniversary; after the one-month mark, I’d apparently continued to think I’d been here for “one month” for several weeks after. The rest of this entry will explore how I’ve conceptualized time passing as a study abroad student.

^an old boat by a pond in Český Krumlov^

Sometime after the “I just got here” stage began “the middle,” an amorphous haze of time in which many things have happened, much time has passed, yet the impending “final stretch” still came like a jump scare. Weeks have passed in quick succession, eating up fall, and somehow my mindset has begun to shift to the question of what I will do with my last weekends. So what exactly happened in the blur of the middle? That question was on my mind when I started planning my mid-program blog post, and I decided it deserved a post of its own. Upon reflection, my feeling of empty time passing during October was an illusion caused by the combination of midterm season, health issues, and (paradoxically) my plans and trips. To elaborate:

  • During midterms, students spent a lot of time studying for classes, and less time was given to more memorable pursuits.
  • In the past two weeks, I injured my knee and got a cold, which has kept me apartment-bound. I haven’t been able to do as many adventurous and social things as I could earlier in the semester.
  • Lots of plans made time pass quickly. In addition, it created a mindset where the time in between these trips was allocated for rest and school. With this mindset, a week between trips would zoom by, because I didn’t do anything present-focused. I was just doing homework and chilling, anticipating the next thing.

Despite my surprise at time’s passing, I experienced a lot of fun things in October. Here are some highlights and updates from recently:

^Fisherman’s Bastion^

Budapest! I already wrote a post about this, so check it out if you want to hear more!

^An outdoor Signal Festival exhibit on the front of the library where I study (Městská knihovna)^

School: My midterms went well, and without test anxiety! Between now and finals, I’ll focus on a podcast research project for my gender studies class, and prepping for final projects. I have many plans in the works for the next month (trips to Dublin, Vienna, and Dresden, and a Hozier concert!), so school will once again have to be a smaller priority for me. I mentioned this in my mid-program post yesterday, but I’d like to take more opportunities to talk to my classmates and hear about their experiences in different countries before the end of the semester.

Český Krumlov! My flatmate and I took a day trip to this medieval town and fell in love with it. We spent hours by the river, looking at the castle, and walking under autumn leaves. I have many pictures from this trip in my Photos page.

Last week, my flatmates and I celebrated both my 21st birthday and Halloween. My 21st birthday was slightly anticlimactic, being in a place where I could already legally buy alcohol, but it was still a fun day!

Bohemian Switzerland! I went with a group of roommates and friends to hike for a day at the Bohemian Switzerland National Park in the Czech Republic. It was a day filled with stunning views, perfect fall colors, and many mushrooms. Last year, a fire came through the park and left large swathes of destruction, but now, there are carpets of moss and saplings growing from the ashes (you can see this in the left picture above). The park’s main attraction, Pravčická Brána, was unscathed, as was much of the forest. The rock archway of Pravčická Brána (top picture) was beautiful, and we learned that a scene from Narnia was filmed on it! The river was just as beautiful, and our group agreed that the gorge it descended through must be home to fairies.

To conclude this somewhat rambling post, I’ll say that even though “the middle” seems to go by without enough to show for it, all of my time here has been valuable. I look forward to the next two months of new memories!

Mid Program: “A day in the life”

It’s hard to convey an “average” day in the life of a study abroad student. Every day looks different, since we’re all trying to be tourists and go on adventures amidst the stable schedule of classes. In this post, I will nevertheless try to describe what is closest to average for me. Accordingly, I’ve tried to pick out my most ordinary pictures for this entry (instead of showing off all the most exciting ones). In addition, I’ll give a little update on the goals I made at the beginning of the trip, and share advice to future students about community engagement.

^this sweet statue, “Dívka s holubicí,”or “Girl with a dove” stands next to the tram station that I take to go almost everywhere^

I start most days by waking up and opening my window, which looks out on a neighbor’s plant-filled balcony. The crisp air in the morning may smell like autumn, or cigarettes (it’s a toss up). I’ll get ready for school, and usually have a bit of time to get started on my to-do list before class.

At 11:45, I leave Belgická 2/24 (my apartment) and walk less than five minutes to my school. The walk is short but sweet; the streets of Vinohrady are lined with tall trees, now dripping with orange and green leaves, and I always walk by locals going about their day. Once I arrive at UNYP, I mentally prepare for my three-hour class period (some classes require more mental preparation than others…) before entering the classroom. At three pm, I’m dismissed, and the rest of the day is up to me.

At this point, the day-to-day variety is high, but here are some common ways I spend my evenings:

  • studying! I might take the metro to Old Town and walk to to Městská knihovna, a public library. This is the location of the famous “infinity book tower” which I have pictured in my Photos page (if you can find it in my sea of other pictures, i’m impressed). If I’m feeling slightly more fancy, I’ll go to a cafe. One of my favorites is Cafe Academia in Václavské náměstí, a 20 minute walk from my apartment. There are many closer options, but this is just one I like a lot.

^the outside ofMěstská knihovna^

  • choir practice: on some days, I walk a few blocks away from UNYP to the school where my professor’s choir rehearses.

^from the walk to choir!^

  • some fun social activity in Prague: from pub karaoke, to trying a new restaurant, to live music, to an art exhibit, to clubbing, to park picnics, the list of evening engagements is long! I’m so grateful to be in a place where I have such easy access to a variety of options. Because of all of these things to do around town, I use public transit a lot (see pictures from the metro and tram below).
  • walking: I like to go on long walks to/from destinations around town, so if I have enough time, I’ll walk somewhere instead of taking the tram. Along these walks, I get to enjoy the architecture of Prague’s streets, observe locals (though public transit has been the best for people-watching in my experience), and slow down during a busy day. I can also enjoy the cinnamon smells of the prolific trdelník pastry stands, or, again, cigarette smoke. Some pictures from these everyday walks are below.

Goals from the beginning of my trip:

When I first arrived, I had a few main goals for my visit. These included: getting to know the city, being present and not future-oriented, taking time for mental health and slowness, reducing my priority of academics, and interacting with Czech culture. In general, my goals have been going well. As time has passed, I’ve gotten better at balancing my priorities and knowing when I need to focus on school vs socialization. I’ve realized that getting to know the city is unfortunately beyond my capabilities for a four month stay, but I will explore what I can. I’d like to put more effort into engaging with Czech people, especially peers I’ve met in classes that I’ve neglected chances to talk to. One example of me trying to do this is starting an Eco Club at UNYP with my classmate and friend from my environmental studies class! Thankfully, I still have a month and a half to work on my goals and experience life here 

^My flatmate Megan feeding some ducks on the bank of the Vltava^

In terms of strategies for community engagement as a study abroad student, here are some helpful things I’ve learned since I got here:

  • at your host school, the student life office can connect you with volunteering opportunities nearby
  • join school clubs if you find some you’re interested in! It’s a great way to find like-minded people and experience local culture through club events
  • talk to people (classmates, teachers, locals, etc)! Don’t pass up the simple conversational ways to learn about their lives and cultures. Its also been helpful to engage with people who are very different from me, so I can get a broader sense of the diversity of human experiences. But still pay attention to kindred spirits! People who are similar to you are just as valuable friends to make while abroad.

Na shledanou!

Arrival: Czech Republic: “I speak English like it’s my second language (and other post-arrival realizations)” by McKenzie Harris

As of today, I’m officially two weeks into my stay here in Prague.

St. Nicholas Church in Hradcany

The last 14 days have been a whirlwind of new people and near-constant activity planning, mixed with hot afternoons where I melt into my bed and cease to exist for a few hours. I just got here, but I’ve also been here forever. Do you know that feeling?

As I’ve been adjusting to living here, I’ve noticed little things here and there about myself and about traveling/living in another country, so I thought I’d write some of them down in this blog. In the coming weeks, I’ll do a more specific description of my life here and how it compares to my plans and expectations, but for now, here are some of my first realizations.

^my phone’s best attempt at a nighttime picture of Charles Bridge and Prague Castle^

I speak English like it’s my second language.

I’ve gotten to talk to many non-native English speakers here, and I find it so interesting to listen to how they talk. While listening, though, I’ve gotten this feeling that I talk exactly like they do most of the time. I feel like it takes me a very long time to search for the right words to say, and I tend to pause a lot before speaking. I have no explanation, being a native English speaker, unlike my peers who are translating many languages in their heads. Maybe translating thoughts/feelings into words is a comparable task sometimes.

There’s something comforting about a warehouse full of unbridled consumerism

After a week of shopping in cute neighborhood markets with unique and limited supplies, I can’t deny that I felt some relief stepping into a giant, impersonal, and commercialized chain store (Tesco). This was an unsettling realization because up until this trip, I thought myself immune to some of the basic American stereotypes, but here I was in week one wishing for the comfort of Target or Costco! I think I’m very used to only needing to shop in one place, and then not needing to shop for weeks because I could buy things in bulk. It’s a little awkward not knowing where to find things and knowing I’ll run out of things quickly. An unexpected adjustment for me will be learning how to shop in a way that better suits the norms here in Europe.

^St. Nicholas Church in Old Town Square^

If I had done this a year ago, I wouldn’t have been as homesick.

I’m very happy to be here, but I still feel very closely tied to my friends and family and home in America. It’s been a weight that I didn’t actually consider much when I first started planning this trip last year. I could explain it by saying that in the planning stages, I wouldn’t have accounted for homesickness because leaving was so far in the future. But I think another explanation is that I really wouldn’t have been as homesick a year ago. During the past year, I’ve become closer with my best friends and my boyfriend, and spent less time in my hometown than I wanted. I think the unexpected homesickness I feel is a product of having more things to love and miss than I planned. I’m looking forward to building familiarity here in Prague and hopefully loving it enough to miss it a lot when I leave!

The culture here is not just “Czech”.

I noticed this most clearly when I was walking through Vinohrady during a Mexican street market festival, eating a sushi burger (pictured above). I reminded myself that like any big city, Prague is a melting pot of many vibrant cultures and ethnicities. I’m so lucky to get to experience not only Czech culture (like trying svíčková for the first time, pictured above) but many of the subcultures of Prague as well.

^the view of Prague from an arrow slit in the wall of Prague Castle^

I’m not a tourist, but I’m not a resident either.

What am I then? I’m not sure, because it seems like studying abroad is such a specific and unique middle-ground between being a local and a visitor. I don’t have enough time to make this a home, but I’m not rushed for time. I still can’t speak the language, but I belong more than a tourist. I’m personally very excited to explore this transient but long-term experience, and I’m curious to see how I identify myself among tourists and residents as the months go on.

A few days ago, I was on a walk and came across two European tourists who asked me if I could help them with a few questions. They said they had arrived here two hours ago, and were curious about how to say “cheers” in czech, where to go clubbing, and where to find ATMs. I excitedly told them how to say cheers because I shockingly knew the answer (“na zdraví”). I only knew one club by name and didn’t know where the closest ATM was, but I told them there were many options in Old Town and recommended google maps for both.

After wishing them luck and walking away, I felt so proud of my somewhat unhelpful advice, and it reminded me of this one specific scene from The Great Gatsby:

“It was lonely for a day or so until one morning some man, more recently arrived than I, stopped me on the road. “How do you get to West Egg village?” he asked helplessly. I told him. And as I walked on I was lonely no longer. I was a guide, a pathfinder, an original settler. He had casually conferred on me the freedom of the neighborhood.”

I feel like that quote sums up my experience here pretty well, sarcasm and all.

(I’ve added many more pictures to my pictures section of the website, so I’m not putting a bunch at the end of this post like I did for the previous one)

Arrival: Czech Republic “The chronicles of traveling for 24 hours, and my first few jet-lagged days!” by McKenzie Harris

Prague – Unsplash @ceye2eye

The chronicles of traveling for 24 hours, and my first few jet-lagged days!

At 4 am, bright (not) and early Saturday morning, my parents dropped me off at my hometown’s airport. By 7 am, I had landed in Seattle, where I settled in for a 7-hour layover. During my time haunting the airport, I practiced my Czech flashcards, watched Once Upon a Time, got food, started a new book, and generally wandered. The hours passed surprisingly quickly, probably because I was in a half-asleep fog the entire time.

The near sunrise of my early morning flight to Seattle.

My next flight was the longest leg of the journey, a 9ish hour flight to Paris. I knew it was important to sleep on this flight because I would be up for many hours after, which is probably why I couldn’t sleep a wink the entire time; murphy’s law and all that. Despite not really sleeping, I did spend most of the flight resting. Once I had landed at Charles de Gaulle Airport, I had an extremely tight layover that made the hour between landing and leaving for Prague very stressful. Thankfully, the airport seemed very well-organized and I made no wrong turns on my way to my connecting flight. I rushed through halls, up and down escalators, and bore the unbearable slowness of each line, without time for the bathroom or a single mistake, until finally I reached my gate. At the point I arrived, they had called all groups to board the plane. Once I was finally in my seat, sweaty and gross, my hands sort of shaking, it took basically the whole 2 hr flight to Prague for me to calm down. I was very excited to have made my flight on time, though. Seeing Europe below me, and the first glimpses of Prague (pictured below) also made me feel better.

At 11 am Europe time, which was 2 am to my body, I landed in Prague. This marked hour 23 of traveling (counting from when I woke up the morning before), but I wasn’t really letting myself be tired, because I still had one more leg of the journey to go and I couldn’t afford to stop functioning after I made it so far! I left my plane and stopped by the bathroom, where someone spoke to me in Czech for the first time. A woman told me thank you (“děkuju”) for holding the door, and it happened so fast I couldn’t say “není zač” in return, but it was exciting nonetheless.

Before continuing to the exit, I took a moment to get all of my immigration paperwork together because I assumed the Czech customs would be strict. These documents were my passport/visa, proof of my purpose of stay (acceptance letter), proof of accommodation, plane tickets home, and even proof of financial support. As it turned out, I didn’t need any of them; I walked straight to baggage claim and out of the airport. That was a little hard to wrap my head around, because up until that last checkpoint, I think part of me was still worried that something would go wrong and they wouldn’t let me in. I was met at the exit by a UNYP student shepherding a group of 7 new arrivals like me, who had flown in from the East US coast, South Korea, and more. We were shuttled to our apartments in small groups. I’ve since gotten to know all of these people at orientation and 2 of them coincidentally are also my flatmates! The group of visiting students is quite small (around 100), so it’s been nice to see the same people every day and build familiarity.

For the rest of my first day in Prague, I slooooowly unpacked my suitcases and decorated my side of the room, in between eating, a small shopping trip, and a walk to our school with my flatmates. In general, I was going through the motions in a sleep-deprived fog. It took me until the next morning to feel fully excited about being here.

The front steps of my host school.

Today was day 2 (“dva”) of orientation and day 3 (“tři”) of my trip. In the last 2 days, I’ve met many interesting and friendly fellow visiting students. I’ve also enjoyed some sightseeing with my 5 flatmates and other new friends. One of the most exciting things about this trip so far is that our apartment and school are located within walking distance of Prague’s most famous areas. In our walk to T-mobile to get sim cards, for example, we walked through Wenceslas Square and all the way into Old Town. While we were there, we walked a little further to pop by Old Town Square and the Astronomical Clock—as if it was just a normal walk around the neighborhood! I’ve been in such awe over the beauty and architecture of the city, and it feels so fulfilling to see all of these famous things I’ve researched and seen pictures of.

I’ve definitely had moments where I’ve been homesick, felt tired and dizzy, or gotten overwhelmed at the prospect of 4 long months before me. But I brought many little reminders of home with me, and I hope I will eventually develop routines and familiarity that make Prague into a home as well.

Below are some pictures from my neighborhood, Vinohrady, a picture from a walk with my orientation group, and a video from Old Town Square. I have no pictures of the most famous things yet, because so far I’ve only walked through them without my nice cameraI also apologize for the poor picture quality—I don’t know how to upload pictures to WordPress without them turning grainy 🙁

Pre-Departure: Czech Republic “The Calm Before the Storm”- A week before departure – by McKenzie Harris

Prague – White bridge over river in daytime – Unsplash Photo @leachmar

“The Calm Before the Storm”- A week before departure

Hi everyone!

This first entry in my study abroad record will hopefully orient you to where I am in my preparations for studying abroad, as well as go over the main steps I’ve taken up to now. For those of you who are here for fun pictures and stories about what I’m up to in Prague, you will be sadly disappointed by this post, as it will hopefully be very dry compared to my future ones. This post is also partly to test if I know how to post things on WordPress. As of right now, I don’t really know how to use this website, so fair warning: the formatting of my posts and pictures will be quite lackluster.

My completed pre-departure tasks from earlier this year:
– Visa application
– register for classes
– buy plane tickets
– register with STEP
– paperwork both from my host school and home school’s abroad department
– make a budget estimate with my advisor
– figure out how to switch my cell service provider to get a better international plan

As summer made its way into the year and my abroad trip got closer, I switched my focus to the more exciting things—learning the language, deciding what to bring, and researching the Czech Republic.

The notebook I’ve been using to record what I’ve learned of the Czech language.

An example of an average ill-organized page!

I think part of being a respectful traveler is making an effort to learn some of the country’s language. Since I’ll be in Prague for 4 months, I’m trying to learn as much Czech as I can before I leave. I’m focusing more on learning common words and conversational phrases than grammar, thankfully (I’m not going anywhere near the seven Czech cases any time soon!). My main resources for language learning have been youtube (mainly Czech with Kateřina but there are many good channels!), duolingo, a podcast (One Minute Czech), and quizlet flashcards.

Part of my packing list.

Ideas for the things to do in Prague!

In addition to learning Czech, I’ve also had fun researching Czech history, customs, geography/things to do, and food. For these things, youtube has been my best source (travel vlogs, tour guide videos, etc). As you can see above, I made a list of ideas for things to do and places to go while I’m there, and nearly all of these items came from videos I’ve watched. There are so many places in Prague itself that I want to see, not counting all of the cool places outside it. I’m very excited to try some Czech dishes, like knedlíky (dumplings), svíčková (cream sauce over a roast), bramboráky (potato pancakes), and trdelník (a swirly pastry!).

I leave for Prague on Sept 2, which is a week from tomorrow. As the date looms closer, Prague feels no more real than it did when I applied to this program, but I’ve gotten some nerves about the trip that I didn’t feel until now. I’m nervous about being lonely in a new country, and about the way that every simple task feels complicated in a foreign place. I’m also nervous about things like my safety, transportation, and the immigration process.

But I’ve prepared as best I can, and I hope that will allow me to be flexible while I’m traveling and adapt to the inevitable complications that may arise. During this trip, I hope to lean into the experience of being alone in my dream city, because there’s freedom in being my own company, I think. I also hope to meet interesting people, participate in my interesting psychology classes, take too many pictures, and share them here with all of you.

Na shledanou!

End of Program: Spain “Preparing for Re-Entry & Maintaining your International Connections” -by Anna Sutherland

Granada, Spain

Study abroad has shaped who I am going forward in life. The knowledge, connections, etc. have opened up so many doors. I can say that the person that left the US is different than the one returning but in so many positive ways. I feel more of a well-rounded individual, more knowledgeable culturally, and confident in who I am.”

– Anna Sutherland, CEA Granada Spain, Fall 2022

What have you missed most about the United States? What will you miss about your host country when your return?

The most ironic part about studying abroad is there will be times when all you can think about is what you miss about your home country. Now that it’s the eve of returning to the US all I can think about is what I will miss about Spain. What I miss most about the US is most definitely my family and animals. Distance from those that I love does make you reflect on how much people and animals mean to you. It gives you a greater appreciation for being in their life in person. Then there are simple things in the US that you take for granted that you don’t realize how much you miss them until you no longer have them at your disposal. Living in the residencia I didn’t cook, and I missed making my own food. WIFI in Spain can be a bit slow at times so I will be happy to return to my speedy WIFI. Now what will I miss about Spain, well this could take a while. I will miss the socializing culture, going out for drinks and tapas with friends. In Granada I walked every day and there are so many shops, stores, and restaurants all close by. I will miss eating lunch and dinner with my friends at the residencia with Antonio’s food. I will miss saying hi to the empanada guy (Claudio). I could go on and on about what I will miss about Spain.

Do you think you’ll experience reverse culture shock when you return? Do you have a plan for how you can immerse back into home campus life and share your experience with family and friends?

I already know I will experience reverse culture shock when I return home. I know it will be worse than coming to Spain if I am being completely honest. Leaving Spain is one of the hardest things I have had to do in my life. Spain isn’t just a country but now my second home, the people, connections, and places I’ve gone will hold a special place in my heart forever. Since living in Spain my perspective of the world, the US, and almost everything in general has been altered. I am eager to share my experience with my friends and family. I think in many ways I am also almost scared at the same time because living abroad is an experience that is near impossible to relate to if you haven’t experienced it. My job as a peer advisor in the study abroad department I think will provide me some structure because I can spend more time reflecting on my experience and help other students study abroad and hopefully come back and be able to tell me it was the best three months or year of their life. Besides my job I plan to focus on my studies.

How do you plan to keep your study abroad experience as a key factor in your life; maintaining friendships, language skills, staying internationally engaged?

Study abroad has shaped who I am going forward in life. The knowledge, connections, etc. have opened up so many doors. I can say that the person that left the US is different than the one returning but in so many positive ways. I feel more of a well-rounded individual, more knowledgeable culturally, and confident in who I am. The friends I have made ranging from other Americans all from different states to Spaniards from every part of Spain and international students from other countries means more perspectives and connections. In the future I would like to work in an embassy or consulate preferably a Spanish speaking country and my time in Spain has been invaluable to improving my language skills.

End of Program: Spain “Preparing for Re-Entry & Maintaining your International Connections” – By Brandon Beyler


” I feel connected to Spain because it gave me one of my greatest and most enjoyable life experiences.”

– Brandon Beyler, API Barcelona Fall 2022

What have you missed most about the United States? What will you miss about your host country when your return?

The main thing I have missed about the United States is the food at the grocery stores; I have been missing my favorite cookies, juices, and protein bars. I have also missed my routine in the US which looks much different from what I had in Spain with the different living situations and daily activities. Other things I miss are my family and friends at home and my tranquil hometown of Sammamish.

For Spain, I will first of all miss the Spanish language, I love speaking and listening to it and I will miss being able to, every day, better my Spanish abilities. I will miss being in the holdings of Don Quixote de La Mancha, the greatest Knight that ever lived. I will miss the city of Barcelona and its culture and just being able to walk around and take in all the art, buildings, socialization, and daily life along with meeting and talking to local Spaniards, the vibrant and bustling nightlife, the huge variety of good food and the wonderful nature in and surrounding Barcelona, especially beaches and mountains. I will even miss some of my classes where I gathered new perspectives and engaged in wonderful class discussions about ethics and the international sphere. Lastly, I will miss Europe as a whole, with its history, culture, and landscapes and I will miss being able to travel to many other destinations in Europe because of the cheap transportation. Another big thing is I will miss the friendships I have cultivated in Barcelona where I engaged in a great many adventures and moments with new people allowing me to create special bonds and friendships.

Do you think you’ll experience reverse culture shock when you return? Do you have a plan for how you can immerse back into home campus life and share your experience with family and friends?

I don’t think I will experience reverse culture shock when I return to the US because I didn’t experience culture shock in Spain, and I appreciate the benefits that each culture brings. I am planning on getting slowly back into my routine, of going to the grocery store, making my own food, going on my hikes, doing on-campus clubs and activities, going to classes, and just engaging with the student body again. And it should be easy because my schedule in Spain was relatively similar. My family has been eagerly awaiting my arrival and will be slamming me with questions as they have been wanting to hear about my favorite study abroad movements and see the pictures that go with them. Reconvening with my friends will be a breeze because I’m very close to them and they will love to hear my study abroad stories.

How do you plan to keep your study abroad experience as a key factor in your life; maintaining friendships, language skills, and staying internationally engaged?

I plan to maintain many of the friendships I cultivated in Spain through messaging, social media, and also hanging with some of the ones that live in my area or will come by my area, which I have planned to do with various people. I also plan to keep in contact with my host mom through text as we got along very well and had great conversations, so I plan on sharing my further travels, my inns with capybaras, or celebration of Argentina possibly winning the world cup, the team which she supports. Also, our study abroad group has planned on doing a reunion at some point later down the line because we had lots of fun together and would like to reconnect at some point. Lots of our program was from a specific area so we are planning on centralizing in that location in a reunion-like fashion. Also, since our API study abroad team won the study abroad soccer league, we are planning on passing around the trophy we won to share the victory so we will never forget the glory we gained in Barcelona!

As for my language skills, I plan to take more Spanish classes as I have continued to love the Spanish language and want to get even better at speaking, grammar, and vocab. I also want to talk to more Spanish speakers to understand the cultural language of which I got a great understanding of in Spain thanks to my classes and conversations with my homestay mom and locals. As for staying internationally engaged I plan to consume Spanish news and current events, keep up to date on popular Spanish songs and artists and keep up on current events in Spain because at this point I feel connected to Spain because it gave me one of my greatest and most enjoyable life experiences.

Mid Program: Spain ” Study Abroad Tips” by Anna Sutherland

Here are a few tips and pieces of advice from my study abroad in Granada, Spain. I hope that this advice is useful and future study abroad students can relate to this from experience.

  1. Slow Down the Money Spending– Once you get abroad it can be easy to find yourself spending money going out to eat, going to bars or clubs, buying souvenirs, and traveling. In my case I spent double what I intended to spend the first month in Spain unintentionally. I recommend if you are studying abroad for longer than three months to take the time once or twice a month to briefly look at where you stand financially. Studying abroad for three months like myself I was less money conscientious because I knew I would be returning in three months but at the end of the second month I wished I had paced my finances a little more. Make sure to have fun and travel though!
  2. Class Absences– My study abroad program CEA had 80% mandatory class policy which meant up to 4 absences were allowed for each class. Five absences or more means that you are unable to take the final exam and will fail the class. This policy meant that I used my absences wisely for future trips and I made sure to leave an absence for a sick day or if for some reason I couldn’t attend class for another reason.
  3. Planning Classes- My class schedule was morning classes 8:30-12:30 with an occasional evening class from 6-8 pm on Monday’s and Wednesday’s. We often didn’t have class on Friday’s unless we had makeup days for holidays in order to meet the mandatory curriculum hours. We had around 4-5 Friday classes throughout the entire semester abroad for the three months. Finishing class at 12:30 on Thursdays was amazing because it meant that I could have essentially a three-and-a-half-day weekend which is perfect for traveling. Flights are often cheaper on Thursdays as well. I recommend early classes on Thursday’s if possible.
  4. Cheap Transportation– In Spain a few popular airlines or sites used by students for cheap flights were Ryanair, Vueling, and Skyscanner. Trying different combinations to get to a destination is often worth the time. Different combinations include direct flights, multiple stops, round trips, booking legs separately on a journey, booking legs as one, or using multiple different airlines. Don’t forget about alternatives like buses or trains. In Spain I used the Omio app for long distance bus trips to other cities and it was often very cheap. Sometimes it’s more economical to take a bus to another city and catch a flight from that city instead of the city you are studying in.
  5. Research the weather- Before I arrived to Granada, I researched the weather, and this was essential in helping me pack for my time abroad. Don’t pack inessential clothing that takes up space and weight. The first month it was extremely hot but instead I found I wore only long pants. The last two months has been bitter cold weather and requires winter clothing. If there was any clothing that I really needed I was able to buy it in Spain.
  6. Record Your Time Abroad- Whether it’s taking pictures, writing in a journal, or blogging take the time to record your time abroad. It’s easy for the days to blend together and to forget certain moments. Looking back, you will be grateful to have written down what happened on a certain day or look at that photo which was one of the best days of your life.
  7. Lack of Contacting Home– This was one piece of advice that I wish I had been given before coming to Spain and that is the lack of contact you will have with people back home in your country. I thought before coming to Spain that I would be facetiming my friends every few weeks, but this wasn’t the case. I didn’t end up facetiming some of my friends until the start of my last month in Spain. The time difference of nine hours for me and being busy with my new life abroad made it extremely difficult. Before going abroad let your friends know that your friendship or relationship will most likely look different while you are abroad. But just remember it’s only for a few months or a year. While you are abroad you will meet so many new people and the people from home will be there when you return.
  8. Making Friends– There are often hundreds of students studying abroad at the same time. This means so many opportunities to meet new people and form connections. It can be easy to get attached to one friend group but don’t forget about the other people that exist and could change your life if you opened up a little more. Invite that person who eats alone to eat with you and your friends or go sit with them, go out for a drink with the classmate that sits next to you every day… if you don’t ask you never know what could happen. Remember studying abroad you are already outside of your comfort zone and so are all the students around you who are probably feeling the same.
  9. Go Outside Your Comfort Zone- Sing Karaoke in an Irish Pub, stay out until 5 am with your friends, Drink tinto de verano and eat carbonara in a plaza by yourself. Do all the things you didn’t dare to do back home because you were scared of being judged by the people you know. This is a unique experience and make the most of it. (Be safe and smart)
  10. Don’t Study Abroad with a Friend from Home- Studying abroad is a time to grow, meet new people, and learn more about yourself. By going abroad with a friend from home you are already putting yourself in a comfort zone and limiting yourself. Maybe there are activities you want to do but the fear of judgment or if you don’t have that same friend at the event with you then you won’t go. Leave your friends at home because they will be there when you return and experience a solo journey for a few months or year.

Study Abroad Tips

Mid Program: Spain – “The Unspoken Conversations: Homesickness, Burnout, and Making Friends” by Anna Sutherland

Rowing on the river in the plaza

“A very common fear students have and I myself had when studying abroad was that I wouldn’t make friends. This fear was dispelled easily when I arrived. I made friends with people in my program and living in the residencia made it even easier to bond with people and form connections. Even if I didn’t live in a residencia but in a host family or in an apartment I would meet people at school and have the opportunity to get to know my classmates. For individuals who are introverts or slightly timid like me often it can be hard to go outside of your comfort zone. But make that first move and ask someone to go grab a coffee or go get tapas because the friendships you could gain will change your life.”

– Anna Sutherland, Granada Spain 2022

2 Months in Granada, Spain

In order to mark my two months in Spain I wanted to talk about some of the harsher realities of studying abroad that I have personally encountered and noticed. Studying abroad is often portrayed as a paradise and only the best aspects are shown and talked about. I know for a fact and strongly feel it is one of the best choices I have ever made and for the most part gone exactly the way I imagined it. I participate in the night life, travel on the weekends to different countries, and it has been the best two months of my life. The connections, memories, and life experience I have gained are invaluable.

However, what people tend to neglect to talk about or show on social media is the homesickness at certain times that eventually does come from being away from family, friends, and animals back in your country. I consider myself an individual who is very independent and I can handle most situations quite well including being away from my loved ones for long periods of time. I had a year being away at college which gave me time to practice being away from my parents for long periods of time. However, being in a different country can add another layer of distance and loneliness that we don’t always anticipate once the excitement of a new country wears off. This is normal though and I wouldn’t change being abroad for anything in the world. I find that being around people or getting outside often helps and brightens up my mood. I did an exchange to Costa Rica in 2018 for a month in the summer and the first day I was feeling very homesick, but I reminded myself that a month would fly by fast, and I would be wishing I could stay and true enough that’s how it went. It’s a similar feeling now in Spain two months later. Thank goodness for facetime and calls. Studying abroad is the time to enjoy life and make the most of my time in a different country

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Mid Program: Spain – “A Day in the Life” – by Brandon Beyler

Describe the neighborhood where you live, the sights, sounds, and smells and what makes this location unique. Describe a typical day for you or your favorite locations, hot spots, and places for meeting and socializing with new people:

At this point in my time in Barcelona, I can confidently state that I have begun to feel like a true resident of Barcelona. From my participation in the 8 am metro commute, frequent lunches of sandwiches and pastries, and engagement with many of the businesses and people around my apartment I have felt integrated into my city.
My neighborhood is called Garcia and it is in the part of Barcelona that is much older than the common square urban structure of most of Barcelona and boats the beautiful skinny streets that are characteristic of European cities. It sits north of the center of the city/the gothic district but is only a 20-minute metro ride from anywhere you generally would want to go. While walking around these areas you will see many families, couples, teens, and people walking their, often small, dogs. In this area, you can find a number of wonderful bakeries and cafes, each with the staples of Spanish cuisine also adding their own dishes and flare. Also, there are a number of specialty shops like clothing stores, healthy ice cream shops, and also some nicer restaurants scattered about.

This area is generally quieter, but people, including tourists, frequent this area due to the appeal of the skinny streets and general European feel. One of my favorite spots in my neighborhood is the smaller Rambla right next to Garcia, which is lined with trees, markets, and shops and there are not too many people so it’s a nice place to hang out and eat a sandwich or two. Another place I like is the skatepark and surrounding area next to Playa Mar Bella, it is a laid-back atmosphere, and is a great place to skate both in its big flat spaces and because it has a solid skatepark. Parc de Ciutadella is a great spot due to it having that wonderful European feel, ornate statues, cute ponds, great walking, and sitting spaces, and even an extensive zoo with Capybaras! Lastly, I really like the area around the Cathedral of Barcelona in the Gothic quarter, for this is another place with the skinny streets and these are exceptionally beautiful with the cute their planter boxes and intricate architecture and the wonderful little squares with great restaurants, bars, and shops.

From what I have seen some of the main hot spots in Barcelona are the plaza de Catalunya due to its centrality, the club Raz mataz and surrounding area late at night, La Rambla, and Cathedral De Barcelona due to tourists, and of course the foremost playa in Barcelona, Barceloneta, which is also a hub for Spanish seafood cuisine. Right outside my neighborhood are the square streets that make up most of Barcelona and I have found that this area is much louder and busier, cars and motorcycles are loud, many pedestrians walk the street and people fill the cafes with big groups and loud conversation. and this is mostly what I hear when I’m in my room as I am very close to this area. Even though Barcelona is loud it has been nice to not have much sound coming from the other apartment; besides some strong conversation in Spanish sounds, noise is kept to a minimum. As for smells, seeing that Barcelona is a big city, you find that many times the smell of trash, pee and other unpleasantries fill your nose but also at the same time, the smell of pastries, and the Mediterranean air overcome your nose making for a nice balance.

It has been nice to explore the lunch places around my school and home and select the ones that I like best and have become a regular at, which includes a verity of cafes and sandwich shops with wonderful breads and pastries and also a variety of fantastic empanadas, as well as some other types of foods such as Chinese food, Mexican and Indian food. I have found that my linguistic interactions with people at shops, cafes, and restaurants have begun to become increasingly smooth and natural, without my even consciously knowing what I am saying, which is nice! Also, it has been interesting to have longer conversations in Spanish with some of the locals, like at the barber shop and at various restaurants, where you really get to understand someone and the differences of their culture and where you get to share about yourself and your culture back home.

As for my general routine, first, I eat a wonderful fruit-filled breakfast of toast and jam, juice, and a banana, and then get myself ready for the day and then walk to the metro. At the 8:30 am metro every day I see performers in the long metro hall that I have through and then I am met with crowded metro trains of people rushing to school and work. Sometimes I miss the metro but overall, it has still been a reliable and easy mode of transportation. I then go to class in 2-hour sessions and take a break to eat lunch in between classes at one of the cafes, restaurants, or grocery stores and sit in a beautiful nearby park and eat it. Then I go home and after getting coffee and a snack at a cafe, eat dinner with my host mom and hang out then and then typically go out with friends. My friends and I have engaged in a whole matrix of activities. Often, we go to bars to socialize and then later in the night go to one of the many clubs that Barcelona offers, either in the middle of the city or in an area in southeast Barcelona that is notorious for its large clubs. Other nights we might just hang out and talk to people in the program that live near us, we may have a nice dinner at a friend’s apartment, or we might go explore the city or beaches at night.

What has surprised you most about your experience thus far? In looking back at the goals, you set out for yourself at the beginning of your program, tell us how this is going for you?

The most surprising thing for me is how dead the city gets during the afternoon, not only in that there are usually fewer people out but that many shops are closed. The fact that many shops and cafes close during the day was a bummer for me because I tend to have a different eating schedule some days and then I only had a few food options when around 4-6 pm. I was also surprised by how little Catalan I hear here, granted I don’t attempt to speak Catalan to people, but nearly everyone I hear in public is speaking Spanish. A little thing: Lots of younger people smoke cigarettes here and it seems to be less stigmatized than in the US which I find interesting.
Also surprising for me have been some of the classroom dynamics of my classes here. In many of my classes, the students and I have begun to develop a more familiar relationship with the teachers creating a positive and engaging classroom climate. Again, a good amount of the time spent in the classroom has consisted of many debates about certain topics and generally high classroom participation. Teachers definitely encourage and foster this here and they themselves seem to like to engage themselves in these conversations too which makes us accountable for our ideas and encourages us to think before we speak. Being in the middle of the term and the fact that I am taking an extra class, I have been pleasantly surprised by the manageability of the courses and their homework, though frequent group work is very common here.

As for my goals, I believe that I have done well to go out of my comfort zone, engage with the culture and try new things, and I have found a good group of friends to do this stuff with. I have also recently realized that my Spanish-speaking ability has drastically improved. I have begun to notice my Spanish becoming much more automatic, conversations being smoother, and my increasing ability to talk about complex things, which I have been super happy about. I believe I have done a good job at finding out how the people of Barcelona live, both through trying to live it myself, through observation, through events like cooking classes, and through speaking with locals. It has also been wonderful to learn new perspectives on worldly topics like technology, globalization, ethics, and the Spanish language through my classes, and has been very informative considering I am a geography major, so I believe I have already achieved my goal of expanding my academic knowledge as it relates to space and place. And I have been happy that I have been able to travel to Madrid, Tarragona, and La Mancha as one of my goals was to travel outside of Barcelona and experience other cities and regions.

Have you identified strategies or aspects of your program or host culture that provide a better access and insight into community engagement? Do you have advice for others interested in studying abroad?

First and foremost, I think very important for me was to find a good group of friends to experience Barcelona with; I found mine through my study abroad programs. This helps you get out there and be exposed to new things because people you hang out with always want to have fun and do Barcelonan activities and it gives you good people to do it with. One thing that my group and I have done multiple times is go to the FC Barcelona futbol games which gave us access to the exciting culture of Spanish futbol. I have also found that this also makes meeting locals more natural and fun. As for the study abroad programs, I think it is also important to do all the activities that they offer because I found that our trips to Tarragona, Madrid, and our tapas cooking class have been very enjoyable, interesting, and informative of Spanish culture, as they often include lots of information about history and culture.

Other things that have helped me meet a lot of people have been engaging in typical Spanish extracurricular activities, namely for me, playing soccer for my API abroad team. It has been a lot of fun and has exposed me to Spanish soccer and the culture therein, and through this, I have met a bunch of great friends.
I think it is important to do the best you can to try new foods and shops that you would not see or go to in the US. This has helped me to branch out in terms of what restaurants, grocery stores, and general stores I go to, like that of buying weird clothing from strange-looking thrift shops in the gothic district. It is also important to not only try new things but switch it up even if you find something new that you really like because I found myself going to certain cafes too much and then forced myself to try new ones and I believe the diversity has been beneficial.
Other things that have been helpful are just initiating conversation with locals. This is best when it’s in Spanish because it will help you grow your Spanish-speaking skills, but these conversations can also be in English, as many people you will meet will speak English, but good conversation can happen there too. In this vein, one thing I have noticed is that sometimes you will have conversations where you speak Spanish and they will respond in English, and I think this is both due to the fact that they like to practice their English and they know it is harder for you to listen to Spanish and understand it then speak it, so if that happens just go with it.
While I’ve been here it has also been increasingly informative and enjoyable to talk with my host mom about the city and life in general as she has vast cultural and experiential knowledge of activities and celebrations things like la Merced, Halloween, Dia de Los Santos, and bigger worldwide holidays like Christmas, and just general things that are common in Barcelona and the rest of Spain. Also, it has been very beneficial for me to watch Spanish shows, movies, and news programs on the TV, something which my host mom and I do every time we eat together.

Mid Program: Spain – “Barcelona & Andorra Reflection” by Anna Sutherland

La Massana

Fun Fact:

Population of Spain: 47,000,000

Number of Tourists in 2019: 83,000,000

Barcelona! One of the most popular destinations in the world to visit and receives millions of tourists every year. The number of tourists that visited Spain in 2019 is almost double the population of Spain.

I started my journey to Barcelona on Friday October 28th in the morning taking a taxi to the Granada-Jaen airport and then had an hour and a half flight to the Barcelona airport. Then from the airport I took a taxi to my hostel located in center of Barcelona. I stayed at the TOC hostel which is a chain in Spain, and it was a very pleasant experience, and I would highly recommend it to anyone staying in a location that has one. After I arrived, I couldn’t check in until three, but they let you keep your luggage there and in a safe spot. Of course, the most logical plan of action afterwards was to start exploring Barcelona. Since I didn’t want to spend money taking a taxi around the city, I did my best to visit the locations within walking distance. I started off my tour of Barcelona walking to the cathedral. In each city of Spain there is generally a main cathedral. My next destination was the Arc de Triompf, there are a few of these arcs located in different cities around the world the most famous one being in France. Then afterwards I headed toward a museum to take a picture of the beautiful exterior and walked back towards the hostel to check in and relax a bit. My last destination was La Sagrada Familia, and I can now happily cross it off of my travel bucket list. I enjoyed Barcelona a lot and I’ve heard that you either prefer Madrid or Barcelona. In this case I prefer Barcelona, however it varies depending on the person. I also felt extremely safe in Barcelona. I have discovered though that I prefer smaller cities as a personal preference.

Read more: Mid Program: Spain – “Barcelona & Andorra Reflection” by Anna Sutherland

Barcelona and Andorra Reflection

Mid-Program: “Advice” by Anna Sutherland

One of the best pieces of advice I was offered before starting my study abroad journey was to explore the country you are studying in and not spend the entirety of it outside of it traveling. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t travel outside of the country but instead to consider getting to know the new country you are living in on a deep level and seeing what it has to offer. There will always be time to travel the world, but will you live in another country again for an extended period?

Read more: Mid-Program: “Advice” by Anna Sutherland


Mid-Program: “A Day in the Life” by Anna Sutherland

Granada, Spain

I’ve now been abroad for three weeks. In these short three weeks I’ve started making a lifetime of memories and had about a hundred new experiences.

Madrid: My first weekend in Spain I went to Madrid with my new friends. A few memories from this trip include touring the royal palace, the Prado with the famous portrait “Las Meninas,” rooftop views and drinks, and a friendly conversation with a kind French woman. A key moment in Madrid was I had the opportunity to spend time with my Spanish friend Ricardo who I met during Covid on a language exchange app called Hellotalk during the pandemic. A moment we spoke about for three years, and it finally happened. I also was able to meet up with Anna who I also met on Hellotalk a few years ago. She happened to be in Madrid at the same time as me, what a coincidence! Two core memories.

Cordoba: One of my favorite parts about studying in Spain is visiting the places I have read about in class and seeing them for myself. I will say that reading and seeing photos of these places can never compare to the in-person experience. I learned about Cordoba during spring quarter back at Western Washington University and I had the opportunity to visit the city with my program on October 7th. It is a beautiful city full of ancient history and the Islamic influence is very present in the architecture. (A quick history lesson) During the reign of the Muslims in Spain from 711-1492 Cordoba was the capital of what was known as Al-Andaluz. La Mezquita is one of the largest mosques in the world and within it is also a cathedral instilled after the Christians reclaimed Cordoba. One thing I have learned from visiting these historical places is that they are always bigger than photos can show, it is jaw dropping. On the bus ride back home to Granada on my Facebook popped up an article with the 46 most beautiful streets, and the same exact street I had just walked on in Cordoba was on the list.

Granada: I love Granada. It’s as pure and simple as that. It’s one of the few cities in Spain that when you order a drink you get free tapas at most places. My daily routine during the week Monday-Thursday sometimes Friday consists of waking up for 8:30 am class and attending my two morning classes until 12:30 pm. Lunch at the residencia between 1-3 pm then a siesta and homework/work time. Monday’s and Wednesday’s I have class from 6-8 pm so I return to the school and afterwards either eat at the residencia or I go out with my friends for dinner. The nights are open to whatever pops up, music, flamenco shows, karaoke, tapas, etc…

Read more: Mid-Program: “A Day in the Life” by Anna Sutherland

Arrival – “Host Country & Cultural Immersion in Barcelona” By Brandon Beyler

What are your favorite things about your host location thus far?

During my preliminary time in my host country, I have enjoyed Barcelona thoroughly; the city has much to offer in ways of socialization, culture, architecture, food, and nature and it makes for a fantastic whole. Foremost, I really like the beaches, and I seriously felt the energy of the Mediterranean atmosphere both in architecture, ambiance, and people while spending time near beach areas.

Read more: Arrival – “Host Country & Cultural Immersion in Barcelona” By Brandon Beyler

I was surprised by how much daytime and late-night activity there was considering it is nearing the end of tourist and the summer season. I also have liked the food; Paella was very interesting, and although It wasn’t my favorite food ever I could see myself liking it with more consumption, but tapas were fantastic and unique and live up to their international recognition and praise. I was also very happy with the sandwiches I have had in Barcelona, not only are they very cheap but they are of great quality and were delicious.

People are very nice here and were patient with my intermediate Spanish skills and lack of knowledge about the city. Also, I have liked my host family, it is a single lady, but she has been very nice, she makes great Spanish food for me and it has been very interesting and educational to chat with her, both learning about Barcelonan life and bettering my Spanish speaking abilities. One thing I really like about the homestay is that it is nice to feel like I’m truly living in Barcelona, like going to the nearby supermarkets, restaurants, and shops and using my Spanish-speaking skills to order and make conversation with locals.

I also really enjoyed the festival, La Merced, I went to in Barcelona. Holidays are serious in Barcelona as evidenced by the screen number of people at the events and in this, I thoroughly appreciated absorbing the sights and sounds of the parade, events, and resulting culture. It was sort of difficult to see the festivities due to the great number of people at the event along with the skinny streets of the old part of Barcelona (Gothic Quarter, where this part of the event was) many of which were closed off making it confusing for yearning onlookers. But upon seeing the parade and part of the human tower event it was surely worth the crowds and directional confusion because I got to see some of the most unique pieces of art and creations that I have ever seen in a procession. Much of the parade was characterized by the often strange looking Barcelonan heads and figures wearing Catalonian attire which was quite new for me along with the human towers were a wonderful and unique display of human ability.

I really enjoyed visiting the clear and warm beaches of Barcelona for the first time because I got to see not only the wonderful nature of Barcelona but how the city beautifully caters to their Mediterranean beach with nice and well-maintained beaches and beach parks. I was also pleasantly surprised by the size of the waves, with my earlier thinking that waves were much smaller in the Mediterranean. Also, in this area, I got a taste of the rich skate culture of Barcelona with many people skating around the beach areas and the skateparks and later I even got to see a youth skateboard competition at one of the inner-city parks.
I also enjoyed many of the bars and clubs that me and friends went to. I liked that they played a variety of Spanish and English music which I quite enjoyed. Just by being on the streets, you can see that the Barcelonan people, especially young people, love their nightlife. Although we see this in the US, Barcelona feels especially inundated with club and bargoers and a general party atmosphere.

Other magnificent sights I had the pleasure of seeing were the views of all of Barcelona and beyond from atop the bunkers in the mountains north of the main city, which puts into perspective the breath of the city and the beauty of its Mediterranean backdrop. Also, I got to see Sagrada Familia which was wonderful in its great size and attention to detail, something that you must see in person to give justice. I am eagerly awaiting its completion, as when I was here one part of the church was in its last phases of construction. While walking through Barcelona I happened to come across Casa Batllo, and I found that to be almost be something out of a fantasy movie, although characteristic of much of Catalonian, Barcelonan, and Spanish art and culture.

Tell us about the university, academic experience, the classes, student life, and clubs or activities you are involved with? How are the locals, are there any differences or similarities that have surprised you based on your expectations?

My host university is in the middle of the city, and this is a bit different from universities in the United States that are often found outside of the city, but I like it because of its integration with the wonderful city of Barcelona. The campus itself has cool architecture and features that make for a nice Barcelonan but modern aesthetic. It is located close to good restaurants (where you can get 2 great sandwiches for 11 euros), parks and beaches which is nice and seems to be well suited for university students. The university in general is relatively similar to that of a city college in the US, with helpful resources and staff, a good library and tech center, and classrooms of many sizes. As for the classes themselves, they are also relatively similar to those in the US, with frequent reading and some assignments, and it helps that most of the classes I am taking are delivered in English. As for the content of the courses they typically cover topics that relate more to Spain and include many EU/international perspectives, which has been a nice change for me academically and personally as my academic field deals with the differences that come from place and location and it generally makes me more considerate of other countries ideas. The teachers seem to be enthusiastic and their work and seem very happy to teach their courses and are able to teach with ease considering English is most of their second language. My Spanish language class has felt much different from Spanish language classes in the US; it feels like much more emphasis is put on learning the cultural and practical side of language, which makes sense because we are in Spain! My classes have had mostly English students but also some Indonesian students and even a Canadian! It is also interesting to see how the local students who go to my university act, communicate, and dress. I and other English students have found that they tend to dress nicer than students in the US. They all seem to travel in groups throughout the university and there is lots of congregation and socialization near the café areas in and around the university, whereas in the US people go to dorms and houses more often, though this follows the general trend of people in Spain mostly spending time with each other outside of the home.

Another thing that was very fun was playing soccer or fútbol through my study abroad provider. Even though I was mostly only playing with other American study abroad students it was still very fun and interesting to play soccer in Barcelona and to be surrounded by the feverous atmosphere of Spanish fútbol.

Did you experience culture shock when you arrived in your host country? How did your expectations about your experience compare with the reality of your day to day life? Is there anything you wish you would have done or researched more to better prepare you for your experience?

Fortunately, I did not get culture shock. The biggest shock has been the difference in grocery store food from that of the US. I love granola, and snack bars, and both of these are found in Barcelona with much lower variety, along with having a lower variety of gum and candy. I have found that Barcelona has a huge variety of tasty cookies and crackers, which has partially sufficed the lack of bars and granola. Another thing that was interesting was that I would have thought that the doctor would be relatively different from that of the US but from my experience so far, they are pretty similar, which for me is not a bad thing, I got great care. Though the medicine I received was significantly cheaper than that of the US. I was also pleasantly surprised by how cheap food and bottled water is here, but I also understand that water and electricity are very expensive in Barcelona so this may be a necessity.

One thing I didn’t necessarily anticipate is how loud Barcelona is at night, sometimes it makes it hard to sleep in the middle of the night, but I guess I can’t live in a lively party city like Barcelona and expect tranquil nights. The only thing I wish I had prepared more for was understanding public transport a little better. Sometimes I had trouble figuring out how to take to bus or find metro stops but with a little trial and error, I have been able to find my way around and understand the public transport system in Barcelona, including the metro, tram, trains, and busses, finding all to be effective and convenient!

Arrival – “First Weeks in Spain” by Anna Sutherland

Anna Sutherland standing in front of the Alhambra in Granada, Spain
Standing in front of the Alhambra in Granada, Spain

I’m in Spain! I finally made it, after years of thinking about studying abroad and months of planning I made it to Granada, Spain. It is now day 10 of my three-month study abroad journey and Granada has been more than I ever dreamed of or expected. Granada has been the perfect city for me, it is large but at the same time everywhere is walkable. The city has everything I need from shops, bars, cafes, nightlife, terraces, and more. In the few days I have been in Granada I have already memorized certain areas of the city, from my residencia to the walk to the language center where I take my classes. One of my favorite parts about Granada is how safe I feel, even more so than in certain parts of the United States.

Read more: Arrival – “First Weeks in Spain” by Anna Sutherland

Pre-Departure – Spain – “Epiphanies” by Anna Sutherland

T-minus 4 days until I depart for Spain. I have always been a planner, plain and simple. Studying abroad is no different and has required patience and most importantly research and preparation. For anyone who is planning to study abroad I cannot emphasize enough not to leave things for the last minute, specifically packing. This I found out when I packed the last three days before leaving for Miami to spend a few days relaxing before I leave for Spain. I’m currently write this blog at 8:05 pm sitting on a hotel balcony in Miami Beach with a beautiful view overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and the bright lights of the hotels around me. I’ve had a few epiphanies over the past few days.

Read more: Pre-Departure – Spain – “Epiphanies” by Anna Sutherland

Pre-Departure: The Start of a New Journey in Granada, Spain by Anna Sutherland

What does study abroad mean to me? Study abroad represents to me opportunity, growth, and new experiences. It is an opportunity to continue my education in a different country while experiencing a new environment and learning more about myself simultaneously. It is the start of an exciting and new chapter of my life. This fall I will be studying abroad in Granada, Spain for three months. I had a decent amount of knowledge on Spain prior to deciding to study there partially because I have friends in Spain and learned about aspects of their culture. I am a double major in Spanish and Political Science and Spain is the obvious country to study in to master my Spanish skills even though they technically speak Castellano. Once I narrowed down the country the city was next and was chosen through careful consideration of classes offered. Another consideration was the region being that in Spain there are more languages spoken than just Castellano. Catalan in Barcelona, Euskera in the Basque Country, Galician in Galicia, and Valencian in Valencia each autonomous community with their own language and culture. This was an important aspect to consider unique to Spain. Each country is different, and the research involved may vary for each individual study abroad experience.

Read more: Pre-Departure: The Start of a New Journey in Granada, Spain by Anna Sutherland

Pre-Departure: What are your goals for your international experience? By Brandon Beyler

My main goals are to engage in countless adventures, become a better Spanish speaker, learn about Spanish culture and history through various experiences and coursework, and begin to understand what it is like to live in a foreign country. I want to understand various aspects of Spanish culture, uncovering historical and contemporary perspectives, and as a result become a more thoughtful, aware, and compassionate person.

Read more: Pre-Departure: What are your goals for your international experience? By Brandon Beyler

In my academic pursuits while abroad I not only want to learn about topics that concern Spain and Europe to strengthen my understanding of geography and related disciplines but also be exposed to the character of higher education in other countries. As a geography major, I would like to further strengthen my ability to solve complex issues through the UPF human and social sciences program, giving me unique and diverse perspectives on new issues and issues I may have already encountered. Through my studies, adventures, and experiences I hope to meet new people, especially like-minded travelers. Not to say that Spain is not enough for me, I would like to also travel elsewhere in Europe and beyond so I can experience a variety of cultures and landscapes. I hope to visit the places that I have always wanted to visit in Spain and Barcelona, like that of the basilica, the skate plazas, the mountains, and the Barcelona beaches. In the end, I aim to expose myself to many things that will force me out of my comfort zone, especially the comfort zone that I have cultivated in the US.

What do you hope to gain and how much research have you done on your host country and culture that will better prepare you for this experience?

I hope to gain travel skills, many memories, Spanish speaking skills, and much more. I would like to leave Spain knowing that I am a stronger traveler, a better Spanish speaker, and knowing that I have made many memories that I will never forget.

I have done a good deal of research about the country and on top of this, I already have a good deal of knowledge about the country from past Spanish coursework and my exploration of Spanish literature like Don Quixote. I also listen to lots of Spanish pop music so I have gained some cultural experience through this and I think it will help me to connect with the people and culture of Barcelona and Spain once I’m there.

My program, API- Academic Programs International, provided me with a handbook with a bunch of information about Spain and Barcelona that I found really helpful. They highlight things like that Spain is generally a safe country and that most incidents that do occur happen late at night with inebriated travelers. They do state however that to protect yourself you must be cautious, aware of your surroundings, and keep your eye on your belongings, among many other tips. Through this, I have also learned things like that socialization usually happens outside the home in Spain, Barcelona has an extensive public transit system, they have an obsession with soccer and I received information about the many events in Barcelona.

I also have done some research online trying to hear from people who have lived and traveled in foreign countries and specifically Spain, through sites like Reddit, I think these are really helpful because you get, for the most part, to the point and relatively accurate information and tips from a verity of people. Some highlights from Reddit are that it is important to keep your valuables in your front pockets as pickpocketing is the most common danger in Barcelona and Spain, to stay extra safe in transportation areas because they attract thieves, and to not make yourself look a target! I think these safety tips will help me become a better traveler so that I can do all the things I want in Spain and still be safe while doing them!

I have also researched skateboarding in Spain in that it is a popular destination for its unique plazas and skateparks that serve as good skate community hangout sports and great skate playgrounds.

I have learned from a website called donquijote things like that physical touch during communication is not an invasion of privacy, Spain’s way of life is generally relaxed, flamenco music is popular, and most people take a nap for a siesta after lunch between 2-4 PM, among other things.

Reddit also gave me some good spots to go to like the Boqueria and various clubs and said not to be alarmed by the fact that people smile less and stare more in Spain and that dinner is late.

What are you most excited about? What are you most scared or nervous about?

I am most excited about exploring Spain and Barcelona and meeting the great people of Spain and those from other universities. Being in a foreign country for a long time, something I have never done, offers me a unique opportunity to truly interact with the environment and culture on a deeper level, creating relationships with people and places and apprehend the many things that form Spain and Barcelona, like that of the Spanish wine drinking and Mediterranean beaches.

I am most scared about using my Spanish because it is not full proof, and I know I will make mistakes when conversating with Spanish speakers. In this, I am also nervous about trying to learn and use the Catalan language of Barcelona and the surrounding region. Lastly, I am worried that I might not know or observe some cultural customs and may disrespect or discomfort people.

What strategies have you implemented that will allow you to overcome these challenges and take full advantage of your opportunities?

As for working past my fear of misusing or coming up short with my Spanish or cultural competency, I think, first of all, I need to understand that there is no need to worry as long as I put in effort and use the many tools that are available to me. Generally, I think being spontaneous will help me become a better Spanish speaker and force me to learn by trying, making mistakes, and making corrections. I also think that approaching, interacting, and communicating with people with the proper greeting, respect, and sincerity can help people be more understanding of any cultural or linguistic mistakes I may make.

For taking advantage of my opportunities, I think that it is important for me to just do things even when I don’t feel like it or am too tired or something because I will never know what the next moment will bring, how exciting. Also, I believe that having good people around helps me find more opportunities and makes the ones I have that much better when I can create memories with others. I think it is important to have a general plan but not be too strict on what I do in terms of activities and adventures; saying that I find being spontaneous and going with the flow tends to make the most of opportunities presented to me at each moment and will help in capitalizing on the study abroad opportunity as a whole. Lastly, both in trying to speak Spanish and the Catalonian language and in doing anything abroad, I have learned to not be afraid to make mistakes or make myself look stupid because I know both will in the end make me grow more whole.

donquijote Spanish culture website:

Reddit post: