France: End of Program: “Until Next Time, Grenoble” by Libby Babb

Until Next Time, Grenoble

At this time, three days from now, my plane will be landing in Seattle, and I’ll be home. In all honesty, it doesn’t even seem real yet. It’s hard to imagine not waking up in my cozy little bedroom, hearing my host mom and dad talking in the living room, and constantly being surrounded by French. It’s crazy to me how quickly a whole new way of life can become the norm, and I’d be lying if I were to say I wasn’t at least a little bit sad to leave it all behind.


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View of town from the top of the bastille.
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Germany: End of Program: “Preparing for Re-Entry” by Elizabeth Moorhead

End of Program: Preparing for Re-Entry & Maintaining your International Connections

“How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard”
-Winnie the Pooh

It’s almost time for me to leave Germany now. It’s Saturday today, and we’ll be leaving early on Thursday. I’ll miss this for sure. Here are some reflective question my school gave me that I think give some valuable incites into this experience:

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