What does study abroad mean to me? Study abroad represents to me opportunity, growth, and new experiences. It is an opportunity to continue my education in a different country while experiencing a new environment and learning more about myself simultaneously. It is the start of an exciting and new chapter of my life. This fall I will be studying abroad in Granada, Spain for three months. I had a decent amount of knowledge on Spain prior to deciding to study there partially because I have friends in Spain and learned about aspects of their culture. I am a double major in Spanish and Political Science and Spain is the obvious country to study in to master my Spanish skills even though they technically speak Castellano. Once I narrowed down the country the city was next and was chosen through careful consideration of classes offered. Another consideration was the region being that in Spain there are more languages spoken than just Castellano. Catalan in Barcelona, Euskera in the Basque Country, Galician in Galicia, and Valencian in Valencia each autonomous community with their own language and culture. This was an important aspect to consider unique to Spain. Each country is different, and the research involved may vary for each individual study abroad experience.
Read more: Pre-Departure: The Start of a New Journey in Granada, Spain by Anna Sutherland