I only have one more month left in Chile. I have never really had to leave behind so much before. In Seattle I have lived in the same house since I was a baby. I may have graduated through the Seattle school system, but my friends and everyone I knew were always in the same city as me. If I wanted I could reunite with them and even sometimes just run into them during a normal day. Though I have finished things the people and places were always accessible. Now I am discovering a very strange sensation of true disconnection. True, I can use technology to talk with my friends and family in Chile, but it really won’t be the same. Even if I return to Chile the other foreign exchanges students will be scattered across the globe.
Now, this sounds as if I am becoming homesick for my new home already. The fact is I am excited to return home to Seattle, and I am sad I am leaving Chile but I plan on taking part of the wonderful country with me. Through my spanish, pictures, my diary, my memories and moments of reflection with friends I made here I can find my Chilean home. It will be yet another gift of maturity Chile has given me. Something more to grow from.
So what does one do with a limited time left in a far away paradise? I already feel very satisfied with my time, nothing feels wasted. So what do I do? There are so many possibilities, but for now I believe it will be best to spend it with the people and the city of Valparaiso.
Waiting has never been an activity I enjoy. As my departure day nears I have already had a hectic stream of emotions. Anxiety. Fear. Excitement. Wonder. Joy. These emotions are filling in my time before I board a plane and cross over to the Southern Hemisphere and land in Santiago! Once there I will be studying Spanish at Pontifica Universidad Católica de Valparaíso and staying with a host family in Viña del Mar. My home will be close to the beach (I found this out using the creepy Google Earth to locate my nueva casa for the next few months.) I am very excited for this and can not thank my parents enough for the support they have given me. I will use this opportunity to completely integrate myself in Spanish and learn to love another country. I cannot wait! Hasta Luega, cuando estaré en Chile!
Living in Chile for a little under six months has given me a lot of skills, changed some of my behaviors, and forced me to reflect on many of my previous attributes. This probably sounds as if I have undergone drastic personality change. I am still me – just with a side of Chile.