England: Exchange: Mid Program By Luke Griffin

In terms of meeting new people I’m having a great time. I’m getting to know people that I like from all over the world and learning so much about different cultures and lifestyles. In my flat, my classes, in hostels, all over.. . There’s so many people to talk to and learn from and about and I’m really excited to get to go somewhere new for 6 months and meet even more people!

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England: End of Program: “Just Hold On, We’re Going Home,” by Mikayla Lawrence


One week left. I knew it would fly by, but why didn’t anyone tell me just how quickly? I’m just now getting really acquainted with my life in London, and now I have to say goodbye to it. But, no matter how sad I am, and how weird it will be to return home, I can’t deny that I’m looking forward to the moment I land in Seattle. I miss my family and friends, and the familiarity of my hometown, and the way I can guilelessly watch TV in my living room without feeling like I should be out doing something. God, I miss The Bachelor.

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England: Mid Program: “A Day in The Life” by Mikayla Lawrence




I knew I was going to love London, but the one thing I didn’t expect from studying abroad was how nice my neighborhood was going to be, and how little I would want to leave it every day. Don’t get me wrong: Westminster Abbey, Piccadilly Circus and all the other tourist spots are amazing, and I love just exploring random parts of the city. But when you live in an area so wonderful that locals ask if you’re a millionaire for being able to afford it, you can understand the appeal (p.s. I’m not a millionaire — I think I just got lucky with dorm assignments).

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