Thailand: Teach Abroad: “Sa Wa Dee” Post Grad Teach Abroad by Katie Warner

I am so grateful for moving to Thailand. Feeling my way through its culture and natural beauty has been rewarding beyond what I could have imagined.

Sa Wa Dee! A Thai greeting meaning: “May goodness be with you”.

API is thrilled to highlight Katie Warner: a graduate of Western Washington University teaching currently in Chiang Mai, Thailand! Katie arrived to Thailand in May 2018, and will be teaching in Chiang Mai until October 2018. She is excited to share her experience with you!

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Ireland: “Arrival” by Brittany Mureno

My favorite thing about the program is just how immersive it is with the language learning. Besides my conversations with the other students, nearly all of my day is conducted in Irish. I live with an Irish speaking family with five other girls. The Bean an Ti (woman of the house) and the Fear an Ti (man of the house) insist we speak Irish to them. They help us with our homework and with any questions we have. I am learning a lot, and improving my Irish skills immensely.



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Japan: KCP Program “Pre-Departure,” by Simone Hansen

have always been told that the fastest way to get better at using a language is to go to the country of origin, and use the language there during your stay. In order to create a stronger foundation for my ability to use the Japanese language, I will be going to Japan for a study abroad program.