Gilman Diary

Dio Jean-Baptiste



Thank you Jesus for this trip.
So our flight went much quicker than was expected, instead of 10hrs 40min, we got to
Japan in 9hrs 15min, which was really fast.
The flight went extremely well and smooth by God’s grace.
And something which struck Alissa and I during this flight, was the airline food and
movie selections that the plane had.
We flew with Delta, on a non stop, which was nice.
Though with the meals served, we noticed there was an individual sized small container
of ice cream, and later on for a mid flight snack, a warm chocolate chip cookie.
This caught our attention because in our last four flights we had experienced going to
and from Japan with Asiana and JAL, there was not such a high sugar content in the
meals, but rather much healthier fruit based snacks for desserts.
It brought to mind the sugar barons that have succeeded in America to have sugar
become such a huge staple of the regular American diet; sugar addiction and death by
One other thing that was in such a stark contrast on the plane was the flight attendants.
The look, size, ages and demeanor were drastically different from Asiana and JAL.
Delta on this flight, the crew was mixed, in age, older men, and older women, mixed in
size, slightly plump with some and others being of healthy weight and thin.
One older female flight attendant seemed a bit especially court, and very short
answered, sort of snappish and rude with the fliers.
Answering in a striking and resounding NO! With requests which could not be met, in a
somewhat rude fashion.
For example, oh, do you have iced tea? —
A firm resounding extremely snappish fast and blunt NO!
Is the answer.
This is in an extreme stark contrast with Asiana and JAL airline flight attendants.
They are extremely homogenized in appearance, all being thin, taller young women, not
as many male attendants.
With very polite and somewhat apologetic customer service, that gives the customer a
feeling of them being the point of focus.
The experience of behavioral people watching of the crew was very different and
interesting to see.
Upon arrival in Japan I quickly noticed the sheer cultural differences in politeness.
What seemed like 30 people right from the get go bowing and with arms stretched
saying this way to your next location for your next tasks, in a slightly hurried, happy to
see you, and apologetic, sorry for the inconvenience, manner.
A massive massive reminder, that yes.
We have just stepped foot in Japan, and this is how Japanese culture does things.
We got through customs-check extremely quickly and something that Alissa realized
and was very surprised by was the fact that there was no security check, no screening
of luggage and no walking through metal detectors and taking off shoes and belts and
laptops, or any critical and detailed checking of our luggage and contents all over again.
Just a simple and streamlined paperwork processing and we were on our way.
This was a wonderful surprise, and led to a slight feeling of regret as we thought, oh
darn, had we had known, then we would have brought our food gifts as well, which we
had left behind, because we weren’t sure if it would make it through Japanese customs.
Passing through the last door through customs, our next tasks were res