WWU CSD Guatemala 2013
I finally made it to Spain (after two nights of sleeping on planes, and a twelve hour layover), and Barcelona has exceeded my already high expectations. The first few days have been spent getting to know the other students in my group and getting acquainted with the city. This has included seeing some of the most iconic Gaudí pieces in Barcelona, eating lunch at Spanish restaurants and riding the metro to school. Our school is a huge beautiful Spanish casa that has been converted into a our school right next to city center and across the street from a famous soccer players home (no, not Neymar).
Leading up to my very first European adventure- I am frantically attempting to gather every possible thing I might need or need to know for studying abroad. In a matter of days I will be hopping on a plane to the beautiful Spanish city of Barcelona, where the dreary Washington weather will be thousands of miles away and the Mediterranean climate will be patiently waiting. As I will be traveling outside the country alone (another first), a lot of thought has gone into this trip. For ten months I have been pursuing intel on what to pack and with six weeks in Europe and a thousand places I want to go; my idealistic and realistic ideas have to find a common ground.
I wrote this while I was on the airplane to Korea! I will work on posting some more current updates shortly. |