Sa Wa Dee! A Thai greeting meaning: “May goodness be with you”.
API is thrilled to highlight Katie Warner: a graduate of Western Washington University teaching currently in Chiang Mai, Thailand! Katie arrived to Thailand in May 2018, and will be teaching in Chiang Mai until October 2018. She is excited to share her experience with you!
The First of Many
As this semester abroad approaches the final curtain call, I look back and reflect on the 97 hours I spent at my internship with great fondness. It was an honor to have been placed in an internship here at the Doi Suthep-Pui National Park Headquarters. Throughout the duration of the semester, this internship opportunity consistently enabled me to grow in personal, professional, and academic respects.
The First Foreigner
If someone had asked me at the beginning of the USAC semester abroad, “what would be your ideal internship?” “If you could create the perfect internship for yourself, what would it be?” “Try to think of a place you would like to intern at, and picture yourself there. What does it look like?”
It would look like this position.
Greetings from Thailand!
After falling ill last week, I have a little catching up to do with my blog.Because my study abroad is a more non-traditional internship abroad, there’s no university life to talk about.
I landed in Seattle only a month ago, and today I started packing to leave again on Friday. It has been a whirlwind of just over thirty days. Landing the night before Thanksgiving after almost three months in Madagascar with Stony Brook University‘s biodiversity and culture study abroad program, I have just begun adjusting to the cold and rain here in the Pacific Northwest. After four weeks of unpacking, writing a research paper, catching up with friends at holiday parties, and spending time with my family, it is time for my next adventure!