I finally made it to Spain (after two nights of sleeping on planes, and a twelve hour layover), and Barcelona has exceeded my already high expectations. The first few days have been spent getting to know the other students in my group and getting acquainted with the city. This has included seeing some of the most iconic Gaudí pieces in Barcelona, eating lunch at Spanish restaurants and riding the metro to school. Our school is a huge beautiful Spanish casa that has been converted into a our school right next to city center and across the street from a famous soccer players home (no, not Neymar).
Casa Batlo, one of Gaudi’s most famous buildings
One thing I wish I would’ve prepared for more is the language barrier. Though I have not experienced culture shock my minimal Spanish could use some serious improvements. Additionally, Barcelona is part of the region of Catalonia where they speak both Catalan and Spanish- so knowing neither hasn’t been a big help. Thankfully my study abroad program assists us in our endeavors, and even with the language barrier it is a very livable place for english speaking people.
This is my school here in Barcelona
Though Barcelona is very new to me still, I can say that I have fallen in love. With the food, architecture, the art, the people, the weather, and the culture. I will continue to share information on my time is this wonderful place I will be calling home for a month!