Going over greenland
Hey everyone! Thanks again for tuning in.
After two transfers/layovers in Reykjavik and Oslo I made it to the city of Tallinn!
Here are some pictures of my dorm (left), the college campus (TallinnaTehnikaülikool), and the arrival of theairport to the bottom.
Even though I got lost to the university it was a wonderful experience to just be alone and take the new in. I learned that most Estonians speak English so it was very easy to get around and most signs are in Estonian and English. I hope to take an Estonian 101 or Eesti language course while I am here.
I also met my roommate! He’s a french student studying in business and marketing. He has good vibes so I think this whole dorm life will be a good one.
With that said and done, it is currently 12:04am (2:04pm PST) and the jet lag is real. It will take some time to get used to but thank you to all of the people who have pushed me to do this internship across the world and thank you to those who have supported me along the way.
Any who head aega!
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