Czech Republic: Arrival: “Time Flies When…You Move Across the World” by Laurel Messenger

“When coming to Prague I really didn’t have too many expectations. I hadn’t traveled before so I didn’t know what to expect. I just went into it with an open mind with the idea that anything and everything is possible. The good and the bad.”

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Finland: Arrival: “Orientation Week” by Matthew Papaly

Orientation Week

“So I kinda freaked out when I first got here. I was overwhelmed by being halfway around the world all on my own. I convinced myself that I wasn’t going to make friends and that I would be miserable here. But everything changed once my suite-mate arrived and orientation week started.”


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France: Post Program Reflection: “The Continuation of Something Great” by Sebastian Zgirski

The Continuation of Something Great

I remember clearly, the feeling of waking up at 4am getting ready and calling a cab to pick me up from the Kraków hostel I was staying at, of how drowsy and half asleep, yet serious I felt.  I remember walking into the cold morning air, into darkness, and feeling a light breeze. I remember the ride to the airport which seemed like it lasted forever. I remember eating not one but two Paczki (Polish donuts) as I was waiting for my flight, savoring the last taste of my culture and homeland.

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Spain: Pre-Departure: “Are You Ready Yet?!” by Liza Alter

Are you ready yet?!

So, heads up – studying abroad will be the most time consuming, taxing thing you will do (although, so I hear, the best). For me, it has been amplified by the stress of my everyday life – between working as much as I can, moving into a new house, preparing to go home to Arizona, and trying to think about packing for Spain (do I have enough clothes? What if they lose my luggage?? What do people even do in Spain?? What if I can’t understand anything they say???), I have to admit that I feel like I’m about to walk off a cliff, too busy looking at the flowers on the ground in front of me to see where my next step will land. There is still so much to be done and, to be honest with you, I received my flight itinerary, opened it, read the first line and then promptly stuffed it in a folder to be dealt with later.

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Germany: “Berlin and Hostels” by Sebastian Zgirski

As I’m writing this post I’m sitting on my friend’s couch in Wrocław, Poland, trying to process everything that has occurred in the last week. Exactly a week ago I was 1365 km southwest, in Lyon, France, packing up my belongings, and getting yelled at by a French landlord ( my apartment wasn’t clean enough). I then had a little wine and pizza dinner in the courtyard of my apartment with some of the amazing friends I had the chance to make during my program and said my bittersweet farewells.


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France: Mid Program: “A Day in the Life of a European” by Sebastian Zgirski

A Day in the Life of a European

As I’m writing this blog post, I’m currently in the middle of my fourth week in France, finishing up my finals, and nearing the end of my program. It’s not a mid-program post, so to speak, as it’s way past the middle of my program (life here has literally been non-stop, and I have not had any time to work on my blogs sadly), but even though I am leaving France right after, I will still be in Europe for 4 weeks in Germany and Poland, and so in that way it’s a mid-time in Europe post.


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France: Pre-Departure: “The Start of Something Great” by Sebastian Zgirski


Hello!!! Thank you so much for deciding to read this blog, it means the world to me! As I finish up my spring quarter here at Western Washington University, I find myself extremely excited for the journey I’m about to undertake. This summer I will finally be fulfilling one of my childhood dreams of going to France. I will be studying abroad in Lyon, France, for 4 and a half weeks earning credit for my French minor and traveling as much as possible. After the end of my program, I intend to travel for a bit and make my way to Poland where I will visit family and an old childhood friend for a few weeks, and then finally head back to the States. This will leave me with about 2 months in Europe.

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England & Netherlands: “Traveling with Anxiety” by Samantha Cook

Traveling with Anxiety

First I would like to say everyone’s experience with anxiety or own struggle with mental health is different. This is my experience and struggle I had and how I got through it.


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