Sweden: Arrival by Bella Reele
Sweden: Pre-Departure by Bella Reele
Costa Rica: Post-Program Reflection: “Being Back” by Alexis Bryson
Costa Rica: End of Program: “Saying Goodbye” by Alexis Bryson
The Czech Republic: Pre-Departure by Leatha Starks
Portugal: Post Program Reflection: “Acabado ou Comecado” by Jeremy Caldeira
Acabado ou Começado
The title of this final post detailing my experience in Portugal is fitting. Acabado means finished in Portuguese. But, am I finished with Portugal? Most definitely not. Although I cannot determine my own future, my goals for it have changed. I’d like to think that maybe the other proper term for this post should be começado, because I’ve only really just started.
Portugal: End of Program: “Goodbyes Hurt” by Jeremy Caldeira
It is now less than 10 days until I set foot on American soil again. I have spent the last 98 days based in Portugal. It has been an eventful 98 days of adventure, of meeting new people, of trying new foods, of exploring new places. I wouldn’t give back a single moment of it. But, now, I face the reality that I will have to give up a lot within the next 10 days. I will have to say goodbye to so many people that have made this experience worth it, some that I may see again, some that I may not. I will be saying goodbye to places that have become part of my routine. I will also be saying goodbye to some things I won’t really miss. Nevertheless, no matter who or what I am saying goodbye to, it doesn’t make any of these goodbyes any easier. Goodbyes hurt.